


  • The liquid crystal chopper is applicable for a thermopile a thermisterholometer an infrared camera and so on .

    液晶斩波器还可应用于 温差 、热敏电阻测辐射热仪、红外摄象机等。

  • The Error Analysis of Thermopile Plate Heat Flowmeter

    薄板式热流计的 应用及误差分析

  • Effects of Size and Number of Thermocouples on Device Performance in a Infrared Silicon Based Thermopile

    硅基红外 中热电偶尺寸和对数对探测性能的影响

  • In this thesis we give full consideration to the compatibility with CMOS technology and fabricate MEMS thermopile IR detector through designing a front-cut thermopile structure .

    在本文中,我们充分考虑了与CMOS工艺的兼容性,通过设计一种正面开口的热电堆结构,制作了微机械 热电 红外探测器。

  • New Kind of Annular Thermopile Sensor

    一种新型环状 热电 传感器

  • Through the experimental testing and analysis of a thermopile infrared sensor circuits their shortcomings are found out and a more practical circuit is presented .

    通过对一个 红外探测电路进行理论分析与实验测试,指出了其 不妥之处,针对性地给出了更为合理的应用电路。

  • Structure and Properties of Silicon-Metal Thermopile

    硅一金属 温差结构及性质研究

  • The thermopile used to measure infrared energy from body radiation a medical noncontact thermometer is developed in this paper .

    利用 温差 测量人体辐射的红外能量,研制医用非接触体温计。

  • The correlation coefficient between thermopile signal output and specimen thermal power is greater than 0.9999 when specimen thermal power is between 160 mW and 3500 mW .

    当样品热功率在 160-3500mW范围内时,信号输出与样品热功率的相关系数大于0.9999。

  • Thermopile infrared sensors the output of which are effected by temperature chopper frequency incidence angle and transmission of optical filter has multiple-input and single-output characteristic .

    热电 红外传感器的输出受温度、遮光频率、入射角度和光学滤波器的透光度的影响,因此,具有多输入单输出特性。

  • Development of a new type thin-film thermopile infrared detector

    新型薄膜 温差 红外探测器的研制

  • A new kind of thermopile sensor system for vehicle exhaust gas monitoring was designed aiming at new emission standards and measurement methods of vehicle exhaust gas .

    针对汽车尾气新的排放标准和检定方法的实施,设计了用于汽车尾气监测的 热电 传感器系统。

  • This thesis was devoted to the researches of the temperature characters of two types of sensors the quartz resonator force sensor and the thermopile and special compensation methods were studied .

    本文对两类测量不同 物理 的传感器&石英谐振力传感器和 热电 红外 传感器的温度补偿问题进行了研究,分别提出了各自的补偿方案。

  • Self-made Thermopile Heat Flow Meter and Testing of Error Analysis

    热电 热流计制作及测试误差分析

  • Laser Induced Thermoelectric Voltage of Atomic Layer Thermopile Materials

    原子层 热电 材料的激光感生热电电压

  • This paper described a novel thermopile detector for infrared horizon sensors .

    本文报道了 试用于红外地平仪的新型 传感器。

  • Thermopile IR detector is one of the first thermal IR imaging device that has been studied and applied .

    热电 红外探测器是最早研究并实用 的热电 红外成像器件之一。

  • The High Temperature Measurement Technology Based on MEMS Thermopile Sensor

    基于MEMS 热电 传感器的高温测量技术

  • The thermopile fabrication process combined MEMS technology with semiconductor IC processes .

    结构 薄膜 热电 采用半导体集成电路工艺和微机械加工工艺制造。

  • The test apparatus is a physical arrangement of dampers mixer thermopile and ducts all properly sealed and insulated .

    测试装置是一个 毛病的人,混合器, 热电和管的实际安排,全部适当地封闭而且绝缘。

  • Thermopile is usually a blackened thermal detector .


  • The temperature distribution on the coplanar waveguide ( CPW ) and the terminal resistors was simulated and so did the impact of approach of the thermopile on the CPW .

    模拟结果包括共面波导(CPW)与终端电阻上的温度分布,以及 热电 的接近对 CPW性能的影响。

  • By the use of En-In amplifier noise model and frequency response of thermopile signal the chip of advance amplification which was especially fit for thermopile was chosen after comparing the capability of several kinds of chips .

    利用 En-Iη放大器噪声模型和 电动势的频响特性为依据,在比较了若干种运算放大器芯片的性能之后,选择了适合于热电堆传感器的前级运算放大芯片。

  • Designing of Infrared Thermopile Roller Temperature - measuring Apparatus

    红外 热电 滚筒温度测量仪的设计

  • CMOS Compatible MEMS P / N Polycrystalline Silicon Thermopile IR Detector

    CMOS兼容的微机 P/N多晶硅 热电 红外探测器

  • The Transient Mode of Thermopile Type Photoelectric

    热电 式光电传感器暂态模型

  • A New Type Of Face-stuck Thermopile Sensor

    一种新型贴壁式 热电 温度传感器

  • Using IR temperature measurement technology a temperature real-time monitoring network for high voltage switch cabinet based on thermopile sensor is developed .

    利用红外测温技术,以 热电 传感器为测温元件,研制针对高压开关柜的温度实时监测网络。