this that and the other

[ðɪs ðæt ənd ði ˈʌðər][ðis ðæt ænd ðə ˈʌðə(r]


  • She talked about this that and the other & oh she said a lot of things .

    啊, 她说了一大堆。

  • But we found out this morning that Rodin and the other two are in rome .

    今早我们查明罗丹 两个 同伙在罗马。

  • This way tourists can see that not only are your mountains nice but the toilets and the other facilities at the site are pleasant as well said Mr. Yan who said that the technology has other applications as well such as the treatment of landfills .

    通过 这个办法,游客会发现 不仅你这里的山美,景区的厕所 其他设施也很好,闫志英说。他表示,该技术还有其他用途,比如应用于垃圾填埋场。

  • I hadn 't seen my sister for months and when she came to stay we talked about this that and the other until after midnight .

    我和我的妹妹好几个月没有见面 这次她来住,我们 天南海北地谈到深夜。

  • Whether we eat at this restaurant or that doesn 't really matter . it 's six of one and half a dozen of the other .

    我们在 家餐馆吃饭还是在 家餐馆吃饭都无所谓,它们都 差不多

  • Having a better understanding of the characteristics and needs of young people at this age is a task that falls on both educators and the other people involved .

    对汉字更深入的了解以及对 这种年龄层的青年的人的需求是 现在落在教育工作者 其他有关教育 人身上的任务。

  • And it turns out that this version people are slower at than the other version suggesting that their associations run one way and not the other .

    结果发现 第二个实验中,人们比第一个实验时的反应要慢,这 表明他们倾向于把白人和好词 把黑人和坏词联系一起, 不是 反过来

  • One of the big features of this year is that there will be not one but three meetings of Jupiter and Neptune with the other link-ups due in July and December .

    今年 其他年份最大的不同 就是土星 海王星将会有三次相遇的机会, 其他两次是在7月和12月。

  • This is a habit that we can 't easily put aside and I think the government needs to be concentrating on other critical issues instead of talking about public smoking .

    我完全不同意在公共场所吸烟会危害健康的说法, 是一个我们无法立刻摆脱的习惯 我觉得政府应该专心注意 其它重要事项,而不必大谈公共场所吸烟的问题。

  • On the one hand this book indicates the processes that brought about the collapse of visual art in the west and on the other hand it tries to guide a completely new way of understanding art .

    一方面, 书指出了导致西方视觉艺术崩溃的 那些过程 一方面,本书试图引领一条理解艺术的全新道路。

  • It is possible to fix this by creating a canonical source for that information and generating the other parts .

    通过创建 这些信息的标准来源 生成 其他部分有可能解决 问题。

  • This article explained that although SOAP-DSIG and SSL do not provide the same functionality they provide complementary functionalities that the other system lacks .

    本文解释了这样一个 事实 尽管SOAP-DSIG SSL不提供相同的功能,但它们能为 彼此的不足之处提供互补的功能。

  • We sat talking about this that and the other .

    我们坐着谈论 各种 事情

  • The advantage of this style is that it is usually quick to deploy and with lower cost compared to the other styles .

    这种风格的优点 其他实现风格相比,常常更容易部署 成本更低。

  • This means that no matter which help window you are working in changes to this setting affect that help window and all the other help windows .

    即无论使用哪个“帮助”窗口,更改 设置都将影响 “帮助”窗口 所有 其他“帮助”窗口。

  • Did you think of this that and the other ?

    你想过 这点 其他情况吗?

  • Two kinds of novel circuit are mainly studied in this paper one is a topology that adopted switches in the secondary side and the other introduces a saturable inductor to its circuit .

    文重点研究了2种新的电路 副边采用开关管的拓扑线路 采用饱和电感器的拓扑线路。

  • I want to make a point about all these charges going up water rates and all this that and the other .

    我想就水费 其他各种各样费用的上涨谈谈看法。

  • This meant that both schemes were effective and neither was more effective than the other .

    意味着两种架构都有效, 任何一个都不比 一个更有效。

  • To ascertain this the net traverses the row in the weight array that contains all of the weights between N and the other nodes .

    要确定 一设置,网络会去遍历权重数组中 包含N 其他节点间所有权重的的行。

  • You should make preparations in good time for your own wedding . We don 't want to find when the time comes that we 've forgotten this that and the other .

    把你娶媳妇应办的事早些料理料理 免得到时丢三落四的。

  • The quilt was made of this that and the other .

    棉被是 各式各样材料做成

  • He contacted me say he had this that and the other .

    他和我接触,说他有 这个 那个还有 其他的。

  • Gareth : What marks success to me was financial reward and was just being filthy rich seeing people driving around in Mercedes Benz doing this that and the other and you 're just thinking .

    加雷思∶那时对我来说,成功的标志就是金钱上的回报,也就是非常富有,看到别人驾着梅塞德斯-奔驰车四处兜风, 意气风发 你只能想想罢了;

  • The advantage of this language is that it is both easier to understand and easier to implement than the other two ; however it restricts expressivity .

    这个语言的优势 在于理解 实现起来比 两个语言都容易;但是,它限制了表现力。

  • To discuss the evidence based nursing applied in the clinic it is expounded in this article that the evidence based nursing and integral nursing bring out the best in each other .

    为探讨循证护理在临床的应用, 本文阐述了循证护理 整体护理 相得益彰

  • The travel agencies were busy booking people for this that and the other holiday resort .

    这些旅行社都在忙着为 各个度假 预订客房。

  • The Beijing government announced this week that work would begin to widen and reinforce Chang'an Avenue to accommodate the tanks and other military hardware in the parade .

    北京政府 上周宣布 将开始拓宽 加固长安街,以容纳阅兵式中 坦克和 其它军事装备。

  • The author argues that such motifs underwent a development in this period and that two regional systems can be distinguished-one along the Hexi Corridor and the other in the Central Plains .

    作者认为,北朝、隋代石窟天井图样呈现一体化发展过程 在地域上可以分为河西走廊 中原北方两个系统。