
[ˈθaʊzəndθ, -zənθ][ˈθaʊznθ]


  • A unit of radioactivity equal to one thousandth of a curie . low level whole body counter

    放射性单位等于 之一居里。低强度全身放射性污染计数器

  • This size is tiny by the standards of everyday experience about one thousandth the width of a human hair but it is large on the scale of atoms and molecules .

    这个尺寸只有人类头发宽度的 之一,以日常生活经验来说算很小,但以原子及分子的尺度来说却很大。

  • It was the thousandth business to go bust .

    它是第 一千 破产的企业。

  • Sensitive to changes in temperature of two thousandth of a degree fahrenheit .

    能感觉到华氏 二度的温度变化。

  • Every child that is born into his group will share them with him and no child born into one on the opposite side of the globe can ever achieve the thousandth part .

    每一个和他诞生在同一个社团中的孩子和他一样具有 相同 风俗;而在地球的另一边,诞生在另一个 社团的孩子与他就是 相同 风俗

  • Consisting of a thousandth . Indicates whether thousands separator will be inserted between every three decimal digits .

    的构成 之一的表示每三位数是否应加入千位分隔 符号

  • The magazine has just published its six thousandth edition .

    这本杂志刚刚出版了 6期。

  • The startling images confirm that the DNA origami process efficiently produced Escher-like M ö bius strips measuring less than a thousandth the width of a human hair .

    令人吃惊的图像证实了DNA折纸过程中有效地产生埃舍尔式的莫比乌斯带测量超过 之一的人类头发的宽度减少。

  • In my memory for the thousandth time I recalled the night my young voice complained

    在我的记忆 之中,有 几千次,我一直会会想起我抱怨的那天晚上

  • Picosecond : One thousandth of a nanosecond . Measurement of computer processing speed . Abbreviated psec .

    皮秒: 之一纳秒。量度电脑处理速度的单位。符号是psec。

  • When drawing a Business License of Enterprise Legal Person the fee of establishment registration shall be paid at one thousandth of the registered capital ;

    领取《企业法人营业执照》的,设立登记费按注册资本 总额 之一缴纳;

  • A unit of potential equal to one thousandth of a volt .

    电压单位等于 千万 之一 伏特

  • A unit of angular distance equal to one thousandth of a radian .

    角距离单位相当于( 待查 )弧度。

  • He wished for the thousandth time in his life that he had a dog a golden retriever maybe for travels like this and to keep him company at home .

    他一生中曾 千百私心 有一条狗,或许是一条金色的猎狗,可以伴他作这样的旅行并且在家里同他作伴。

  • A fractional monetary unit in Bahrain and Iraq and Jordan and Kuwait and Southern Yemen and Yemen ; equal to one thousandth of a dinar .

    巴林、伊拉克、科威特、南也门和 也门的辅助货币单位。

  • Because living tissue is in constant movement the film has to cope with exposures of just one-ten thousandth of a second .

    由于活组织是在不停地运动着,因此胶片曝光只有 万分 之一秒。

  • Each day we will be charged for one thousandth of the contract amount .

    每天支付合同总金额的 之一

  • One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter : a pinhead is about a millimeter across . The hall is 15 metres in length and 8 in width .

    一微米等于 之一毫米。针头直径大约一毫米。这个大厅直里有十五米,横里有八米。

  • We still do not know one thousandth of one percent of what nature has revealed to us .

    自然揭示给我们的,我们还不知道其 十万 之一

  • One thousandth ( 10-3 ) of a second .


  • A unit of power equal to one thousandth of a watt .

    功率单位等于 之一瓦特。

  • For the thousandth time he relived the nightmare of his capture .

    他遭捉的那场恶梦又重现在他脑海中,这 一千 了。

  • Most of the fog is made of particles a little smaller than a thousandth of an inch wide with an occasional larger particle settling out and falling toward the surface .

    火星雾的绝大部分是由一个个微粒组成,而这些微粒的 直径小于一英寸宽的 一千 之一;偶尔会有稍大一些颗粒沉降出来,坠向 火星表面。

  • But it 's variable because it doesn 't always go off on the thousandth time .

    但中奖 比率是变化的,因为你并不总在拉杆 一千次的时候中 大奖

  • In my memory for the thousandth time I recalled the night my young voice complained Don 't do that anymore & your hands are too rough !

    在我的记忆里, 几千再现那晚的情景和我那稚嫩的抱怨声:“你不要再这样了,你的手好粗糙!”

  • Because my talking does not even contain one ten & thousandth part of it .

    根本我说的,这 万分 之一也没有。

  • Failure I may still encounter at the thousandth step .

    纵使走上 一千步,我依旧会遭遇失败。

  • She could not write because she could not attain to expressing truly in a letter a thousandth part of what she habitually expressed in voice and smile and eyes .

    她不 擅长于写信,因为她不能在信中真实地表达她惯于用那语声、微笑和眼神所表达的 之一 情感