three-dimensional tree

[计] 三维树

  • There is no the relevant three-dimensional model and visualization technology research carried out for Prunus mume which causes great difficulties to study the tree .

    目前还没有相关的梅花植物 可视化模型,也没有梅花可视化建模技术研究的开展,这给通过 计算机模拟 梅花的研究造成了极大的困难。

  • Illustrates the character of AVE and construct the three-dimensional evolutionary tree ( TDET ) model according to RRS design rule of agile manufacturing .

    论述了敏捷虚拟企业(AVE)的特征,同时参考敏捷制造中RRS设计准则以及生物进化理论构建AVE的 三维进化 模型。

  • The research of agile virtual enterprise three-dimensional evolutionary tree model

    敏捷虚拟企业 三维进化 模型的研究

  • Application of golden section to three-dimensional bronchial tree image reconstruction of spiral CT

    黄金分割应用于螺旋CT 三维支气管 重建

  • Discussing the Three-dimensional Simulation of Tree Annual Ring Cells

    木材 年轮间细胞的 计算机 三维仿真初探

  • In this dissertation these characteristic information in forest stand refer to forest spatial data that is one of parameters of modeling three-dimensional tree model and basic data source of generating Virtual Forest Environments .

    而林分内这些几何特征信息在本文中特指为森林空间数据。森林 空间数据是 树木 三维建模的参数来源之一,是虚拟森林环境构造的基础数据。

  • To study various three-dimensional modeling methods make use of quad tree to split indexed faces in VRML imported from CAD .

    研究和比较了各种 三维建模方法,提出在VRML环境下对从CAD导入的VRML索引面造型进行四叉 剖分算法,剖分的深度要考虑刀具的直径和形状。

  • Then the three-dimensional laser scanning system was used to scan the standing trees and to measure the standing tree volume .

    介绍 三维激光扫描系统的组成及工作原理,并采用该方法对立木进行扫描,测量 立木材积。

  • Objective To obtain the best reconstruction interval of three-dimensional shade surface display ( SSD ) bronchial tree image reconstruction with golden section .

    目的探讨采用黄金分割法获得螺旋CT 三维支气管 (SSD)重建图像的最佳间隔。

  • Three-dimensional models of double crank four ring-plate-type cycloid reducer drived by tree gears were established by Pro / E.

    采用先进的工程软件Pro尼建立了 齿轮联动双曲柄四环板式针摆行星传动的 三维实体造型。

  • And these models are parameterless . Using CATIA / Catalog and design table to create the common three-dimensional standard part library of drawing die based on CATIA . Standard parts are organized through directory tree .

    利用CATIA/Catalog和设计参数表建立基于CATIA的拉延模常用的 三维标准件库,并通过 树形目录将这些标准件组织起来。

  • Based on measured data and static model three-dimensional visualization display of individual tree and stand was achieved .

    实现了基于实测数据和静态模型的单 和林分的 三维可视化显示。

  • Three-Dimensional Topological Description of Vessel Structures Based on Tree Model

    基于 树形模型的血管 三维拓扑结构描述

  • This paper studies the data selection of establishing tree three-dimensional graphic model and predicts the prospect of single tree three-dimensional model .

    研究了树木 三维可视化模型建立过程中的数据选取,并对单 三维模型的未来发展应用进行了展望。

  • Firstly the three-dimensional tree model was created on texture mapping .

    首先,建立了基于 树木纹理贴图的 树木 三维模型。

  • In this paper a method is proposed to calculate the optimal angiographic viewing angles of segment of interest based on three-dimensional ( 3D ) reconstruction of coronary arterial tree .

    因此,作者在 冠状动脉 三维重建的基础上,利用 平面拟合法计算感兴趣血管段最佳造影角度,并通过冠状动脉 实物模型进行实验。

  • Three-dimensional Study of the Bronchial Tree on Multiple Detector-row Spiral CT : Evaluation of Imaging Protocols

    支气管 的多排螺旋CT 三维研究

  • A three-dimensional tree model and its application in stand visualization

    三维 树木模型及其在林分可视化中的应用

  • Objective To study the CT characteristics of solitary pulmonary nodules ( SPN ) in three-dimensional ( 3D ) bronchial tree reconstruction image and to evaluate its diagnostic value .

    目的研究肺孤立结节(SPN)在 3D支气管 重建图像中的CT特点并评价其诊断价值。