


  • fibrous root : a root system made up of many threadlike members of more or less equal length as in most grasses .

    “纤维根:由许多 几乎 等长 线状 构成的一种根系,如在大多数草中.”

  • The paper discusses the design and testing result of Rubber which processes straw cane and hay into threadlike segments .

    本文论述了 1将秸杆、藤蔓、牧草 等长 纤维 农业 物料加工成一定长度的 丝状段的揉碎机的设计原理及试验结果。

  • Grasshoppers with long threadlike antennae and well-developed stridulating organs on the forewings of the male .

    线 一样长角的蝗虫,雄性的 前翅鸣叫器官。

  • Soft unsegmented marine worms having a threadlike proboscis and the ability to stretch and contract .

    身体部分段的海生软体蠕虫,有 线 一样的长鼻子,能够伸长和收缩。

  • The majority of microorganisms were found to be threadlike bacteria such as nitrobacteria and protozoan and metazoans .

    研究结果表明,生物相组成中占主要的原生动物和后生动物是钟虫、轮虫、累枝虫和变形虫等,并有 大量 丝状细菌,硝化菌出现;

  • Smooth-skinned deep-sea fish with a tapering body and long threadlike tail .

    平滑表皮、锥形身体和 鞭状尾巴的深海鱼。

  • Small threadlike worm infesting human intestines and rectum esp. in children .

    线 一样的小 蠕虫,大批滋生在人类特别是孩子的肠子和直肠中。

  • Research and improvement on pickup algorithm for threadlike graphs


  • Mullet-like tropical marine fishes having pectoral fins with long threadlike rays .

    象鲻一样的热带海洋鱼,有长长的 线状触须。

  • The threadlike things seen behind anterior communicating artery were generally rather perforating branches to hypothalamus than fibrous trabeculae so they should not be cut rashly .

    前交通动脉后方所见 丝状物通常是至下丘脑的小穿支,多不是纤维小梁,不要轻易切断。

  • North American orchid having a solitary leaf and flowers with threadlike petals .

    北美洲的一种兰花,叶单生,花具有 丝状 花瓣。

  • Banded texture or tight threadlike texture were obtained in high molecular weight species according to high or low shear rate the respective fibril structures were discussed .

    高分子量 B N 取向织构根据剪切速率大小 得到条带织构或 细丝 织构,并对相应的微纤结构进行了讨论。

  • Adopting the method of combination of acid alkali salt and machinery the chrome shavings are relaxed and dechromed as a result the threadlike collagen fibers are prepared .

    采用酸、碱、盐、机械相结合的方法,对皮革含铬固体废弃物进行松散、脱铬,制备 丝状胶原纤维。

  • The threadlike parasite stayed alive for thirty minutes writhing and jumping around .

    线 一般的寄生虫还活蹦乱跳了30分钟。

  • The acrylic emulsion binder had good film forming better adhesion and chemical stability its threadlike structures would bring weakness of heat-adhesive and cold brittleness and clogging screen .

    丙烯酸酯类粘合剂具有较好的成膜性,良好的粘着力及化学稳定性,但其 线型结构特点,易造成聚合物薄膜出现热粘冷脆及印花堵网等问题。

  • Aromatic threadlike foliage of the dill plant used as seasoning .

    芬芳的 线状的莳萝植物的树叶,用作调味品。

  • Studies on the Dechroming of Wet Blue and the Preparation and Characterization of Threadlike Collagen Fibers

    蓝湿革脱铬及 丝状胶原纤维的制备与表征

  • Chromosome & One of the threadlike structures in the cell nucleus ; consists of chromatin and carries genetic information ( DNA ) .

    细胞核中的 线形结构;由染色质构成,携带遗传信息(DNA)。

  • A threadlike anatomical structure ; a filament .

    丝, 丝状 组织 丝状的结构;

  • Skill of embeding threadlike or lamellar materials in paraffin method

    石蜡切片法中 细长或薄片状材料的包埋

  • A large portion of the cytoskeleton consists of threadlike microfilaments composed mainly of the contractile protein actin .

    细胞骨架大部分由 微丝组成,微丝主要由 收缩的肌动蛋白组成。

  • A shirt is taken off a threadlike clothes-line .

    一件衬衫从晾衣绳上 滑落

  • Threadlike strands of glass fibre aerobic cellulolytic bacteria

    线 一般 的玻璃纤维 . 好气性分解纤维细菌

  • It has done the broken experiment by using fresh potato plane threadlike machine and has researched the processing method of increasing starch extrication rate .

    采用鲜薯 机进行了马铃薯破碎试验,试验研究了提高淀粉游离率的加工方法。研究结果表明,影响淀粉游离率的 有关 因素主次 顺序是: 线速度;

  • In this paper on the purpose of improving the speed of graph 's pickup a modified algorithm for picking up threadlike graphs is presented which is on the basis of the analysis of the traditional algorithm .

    从提高拾取速度的角度出发,在对传统图形拾取算法的基本原理进行分析的基础之上,提出了一种改进的 线状图形拾取算法。

  • Any of the threadlike filaments forming the mycelium of a fungus .

    菌丝任何形成真菌 丝状 线

  • Hair : Threadlike outgrowths of the skin Taste sweet structure clear soft tannin long memorable aftertaste .

    毛发:皮肤上的 细长而柔软的结构。口味甘甜,结构分明,单宁柔软,回味美好。