threaded core

[电] 穿线铁心

  • It is easy to write overly complex and error prone threaded code or code that only uses one core on a24 core box yet is still CPU bound .

    编程人员很容易编写出过于复杂且容易出错的 线程 代码;也很容易编写出只使用24核系统上的一个 内核的代码,无法充分利用整个CPU。

  • The primary structure of the plastic part was modified . And the cavity was designed to be in the moving half the threaded core and the gear transmission system in the fixed half . So that the injection mould structure is simple and it can demould automatically .

    分析了化妆品瓶盖的螺纹结构,修改了原塑件结构,型腔设计在动模, 螺纹、齿轮传动机构设计在定模,使该注射模结构简单,并可自动脱模。