thread selector

[θrɛd sɪˈlɛktɚ][θred siˈlektə]

[计] 线索选择器

  • In the thread-per-request model ( Continuations in Figure 2 ) a thread is used to serve the arrived request and the connection is handled through an NIO selector .

    在每个请求一个线程模型下(图2的续图),要使用一个 线程为到达的请求提供服务,而连接是通过NIO 选择器进行处理的。

  • It is actually possible to handle many thousands of clients with a single thread using the NIO selector event-driven approach although we 'll see later that threads still have a role to play .

    使用NIO 选择器事件驱动方法,实际上可以用单个 线程处理成千上万的客户机,不过,我们还会在后面看到线程仍有一个角色要扮演。