ticket day

[ˈtɪkɪt de][ˈtikit dei]


  • We only received our ticket the day before we were due to leave .

    我们在该离开的前 收到我们的

  • Please book me a flight ticket to Dalian for the day after tomorrow .

    请为我订一 后天去大连的 机票

  • For example our anger over a speeding ticket is likely to affect how we judge someone later in the day .

    比如说,我们对超速 罚单的怒火很可能会影响到在这 对别人的看法和判断。

  • The ticket is available on the day of issue .

    仅发行 当天有效。

  • The ticket for the event day is not refundable .

    活动 当日 门票将不予退还。

  • Hicould I have a lift ticket for the day ?

    我可以要一 吊车 吗?

  • The man flashed his ticket to lounge staff at the Shaanxi province airport before his trip ate a meal just like any first class traveller and instead of getting on the flight he would change his flight 's departure to another day .

    在启程之前,他向航站的工作人员亮了自己的 机票,然后同其他的头等舱旅客共同进餐。但是,这名男子进餐后并不登机,而是将启程时间更改至 他日

  • The passport and Admission Ticket are two necessary documents on the examination day .

    身份证件和准 考证是考生进入 考场时必须同时具备证件。

  • Buying it would be the same as paying a $ 115 ticket for illegal parking every day & for 24 years .

    把它买下来相当于24年里 天天缴付非法停车的115美元 罚单

  • It includes around-trip ticket hotel accommodations and three meals each day .

    这个费用包括了往返火车 、旅馆住宿和每日 三餐

  • Is this ticket valid only for the designated day ?

    这个 只是在指定的 日子 有效吗?

  • This ticket is good for one day .

    在一 内有效。

  • I learned that the Hangzhou ticket clerk sold them tickets for next day but what they want are tickets for today .

    原来杭州的 售票员卖给他们 明天的票,而他们要的是今天的票。

  • The overall visual style resembles a match ticket or match day programme-relaying a real'fan'feel .

    整个视觉风格就象一张比赛 门票,或者比赛 节目那样-传递一种真实的球迷感觉。

  • There are various ways to obtain tickets besides the usual one of going to the theater ticket office called the box-office in the United states weeks in advance of the day of the performance .

    除了在 公演前好几个星期到戏院 售票处(在美国称为票房)购票的一般办法外,还有别的方法可以弄到票。

  • Normally you can simply buy the ticket of ordinary classical art performance on the day of its show but Li 's were already sold out several weeks before his concert started .

    一般这类古典艺术的演出, 观众在演出的 当天 买票即可,但李云迪的音乐会门票几周前就销售一空。

  • A monthly pass would save you having to buy a ticket every day .

    月票可使你不必 每天 买票