


  • Thimble multicast instrument in drill hole and its application to tunnelling Engineering

    套管 钻孔多点引伸计及其在隧道工程中的应用

  • Inside me I couldn 't help feeling she ought to have given me thanks for finding the thimble .

    心眼里觉得,我帮忙找到 顶针,她该谢我。

  • One day when a seamstress was sewing while sitting close to a river her thimble fell into the river .

    有一天,一个女成衣坐在河干干活时,不小心把 顶针 失踪进了河里。

  • According to the study team many of these substances were concentrated at levels roughly equal to one thimble of water in an Olympic-sized swimming pool .

    据研究小组,对这些物质的许多人大致相等的水平,在奥运会一水 顶针集中的标准游泳池。

  • Alice thought the whole thing very absurd but they all looked so grave that she did not dare to laugh ; and as she could not think of anything to say she simply bowed and took the thimble looking as solemn as she could .

    爱丽丝认为这些事情全都非常荒唐,可是它们却十分认真,她也不敢笑, 一时又想不出 说什么话,只见好鞠了个躬, 尽量 得一本正经地接过了 顶针

  • The thimble and valve body has the thread connection the place around the thimble has the flange .


  • He had a shelf there where he kept his Bohemian papers and his pipes and tobacco and his shears and needles and thread and tailor 's thimble .

    他没有架子,他保持他的波希米亚的文件和他的管道和烟草,和他的剪刀和针线及度身订造的 顶针

  • Then they all crowded round her once more while the Dodo solemnly presented the thimble saying ' We beg your acceptance of this elegant thimble ' ; and when it had finished this short speech they all cheered .

    这时,大家又围住了爱丽丝,渡渡鸟接过 顶针后兑严肃地递给了她,说:我们请求你接受这 精致的顶针,它刚结束这句简短的讲演,大家全都欢呼起来了。

  • And wear a thimble on your head

    顶针 可以 帽子戴头上

  • When at last the party was over Hjalmar drove home in the thimble and went to bed again .

    婚礼结束后,哈吉马又钻进 顶针里,回家睡觉了。

  • She had to take his hand and there was no indication that he would prefer a thimble .

    温迪只得握了 他的手,因为彼得没有表示他想要一 顶针

  • A thimble means that a woman will not marry a coin means wealth and a wishbone means that their dearest wish will be granted .

    如果得到一 顶针说明这名妇女不会结婚,硬币预示着财运 旺盛,鸡的叉骨表示他们最珍贵的愿望将会实现。

  • A new-type electromotive force pot pressure limiting valve consists of valve bonnet valve body thimble spring valve eye ring valve seat exhaust pipe sealing ring nut and exhaust pipe .

    一种新型电压力锅限压阀,包括阀盖、阀体、 顶针、弹簧、阀提手、阀座、排气管密封圈、螺母、排气管。

  • The control system of thimble stripper machine in electrolysis aluminum anode assembling workshop is designed with application of PLC .

    应用PLC设计电解铝组装车间 铁环 脱机的控制系统。

  • When current passed through the coil magnetic force is generated to attract the thimble to exit from the concave slot and the spring springs down the draw rod to close a valve gate .

    线圈有电流通过时,产生磁力吸引 顶针退出凹槽,弹簧弹落拉杆,关闭阀门。

  • ` Only a thimble ' said Alice sadly .

    只有一个 顶针了。爱丽丝伤心地说。

  • An acceptable thimble is metal and fits snugly on the middle finger of the needle-holding hand .

    好的 顶针是金属制成的,并能舒适地戴在拿针的手的中指上。

  • It is a bit like playing a visual version of hunt the thimble .

    这有点像玩视觉版“ 手绢”游戏。

  • The Investigation of the Characteristics of a New Thimble Chamber

    一种新型 电离室工作特性的研究

  • Comprehensive Analysis of the Comparison between Plastic Film Packed Cartridge and Paper Thimble Packed Cartridge

    膜装药卷与 纸筒药卷的综合对比分析

  • God forgive me I cracked Tom 's head with my thimble poor boy poor dead boy .

    上帝饶了我吧,我 顶针在汤姆头上 使劲 ,可怜的孩子,可怜的短命孩子。

  • Nickel-plated mild steel round head machine screw wire line thimble

    镀镍低碳钢圆头机器螺丝绕 钢丝绳头用的 长圆形 铁环

  • The process selecting and die designing for thimble punching

    冲压工艺 方案选择及模具设计

  • Then he saw that the little mouse was standing by his mother 's thimble .

    转眼他看到老鼠小姐站在妈妈的 顶针

  • The product can be directly made into flat thimble without warping and deformation .

    固定 顶针 台式车床该产品直接制作扁 顶针不翘曲、不变形。

  • For them stocks are merely tokens in a game like the thimble and flatiron in Monopoly .

    对他们来说,股票只不过是赌博交易的筹码,就像是大富翁里的 棋子一样。

  • Scarlett saw it was ellen 's gold thimble that he held .

    思嘉看见他手里拿的是爱伦的 金顶

  • So Hjalmar thanked her politely and climbed in the thimble .

    哈吉马礼貌地谢过她,爬进了 顶针

  • The key ! It ` s time to go kill an army of demons . I ` ll keep their brains as a memento-if I can find a thimble small enough .

    钥匙!现在是去消灭魔军的时候了。我会把他们的头颅取下作为纪念品如果我可以找到一个足够小的 指套的话。