tie to

[taɪ tu][tai tu:]


  • Today 's system has no tie to gold or any other anchor and contains a variety of exchange-rate regimes and capital controls .

    当下的货币体系包括了 五花八门的汇率体制和资本管制,与黄金无关,与其他什么也无关。

  • I wear a tie to work every day .

    我每天都带着 领带 上班

  • In a moment where the grief of loss and the pain of being unwanted threatened to capture my very breath this man whose only tie to us was having dated my mother said he would be honored to take us in .

    在失去亲人的悲伤和被人遗弃的痛苦几乎让我窒息的时候,这个男人说收养我们是他的荣幸,而他和我们的 关系仅仅是他曾经和我母亲交往过。

  • Indicating some tie to him .

    肯定 凶手有什么 关联

  • I never wear a tie to a dog show .

    我从来不 领带 看狗表演。

  • The buying party that has very strong sanction can form severe tie to publisher can make publisher more discreet .

    有很强约束力的买方会 发行人形成严厉的 约束,会使发行人更加慎重。

  • Mitchell wore suit and tie to the Christmas party .

    米切尔穿着套装、 打着 领带 参加圣诞聚会。

  • And that Citizen 's diatheses improve is tie to Education .

    而国民素质的提高是 教育 紧密相联的。

  • I 'll need a tie to go with this new suit and also a shirt and a belt .

    我要一条 领带 这套新衣服,再要一件衬衣,一根皮带。

  • She wants to buy her husband a tie to match his new shirt .

    她想给丈夫买 带来配他的那件新衬衫。

  • Do you think you need a tie to go with your new shirt ?

    您不觉得需要一条 领带 配您的新衬衫吗?

  • That you tie to the primary association .


  • The businessman wore a suit and tie to the meeting .

    这名商人穿着西装打着 领带 出席会议。

  • I have to wear a suit and tie to work every day .

    我每天 上班都得穿西装 领带

  • We 'll tie to the dock and build a fire on the beach .

    我们 停靠 码头,然后在海边生火。

  • You have to wear a jacket and tie to enter the restaurant .

    进那个餐厅你得穿小礼服带 领带

  • He is persistent . He wears a suit and tie to interviews just for an H-vac job some people go in dirty boots and everything !

    他依然坚持不懈地努力, 参加面试时总是穿西装 领带只是为了找一份H-vac工作,有些人穿着脏兮兮的靴子就去了!

  • Few politicians want to sacrifice their freedom by going back to a pre-Nixon tie to gold .

    很少有政治家愿意牺牲自己的自由,重返尼克松之前美元 黄金 挂钩的时代。

  • Obama allows his tie to be adjusted before the Governor 's Dinner .

    奥巴马让他 配合 加以调整前总督的晚宴。

  • He wore a new tie to go with his suit .

    他戴了一条新 领带与他的西服协调。

  • So in this article we 'll focus on the capabilities that tie to your top concerns : saving money and strengthening your data infrastructure .

    因此,在本文中,我们 聚焦您最关心的功能:节约财力和加强数据库基础架构。

  • People who work in offices are frequently referred to as white-collar workers for the simple reason that they usually wear a collar and tie to go to walk .

    坐办公室的人之所以常常被称作“白领工人”,就是因为他们通常是穿着硬领白衬衫, 领带 上班

  • It is customary for the groom to give a tie to each of the men in the wedding party .

    习俗规定新郎 给每一位在场的男士一 领带

  • The commencement exercise does not mean a severance of your tie to us or to the universities'tie to you .

    今天的毕业典礼并不表示你和学校的分离,它更意味着你和学校 联系 开始

  • She bought a tie to go with his suit .

    她买了一条 领带和他的一套衣服搭配。

  • I 'd like to buy a tie to match this suit .

    我想买 领带配这件套装。

  • During the15 years I lived in China Japan and Vietnam I noticed that Asian parents establish a closer physical tie to their infants than most parents in the United States .

    在我住在中国、日本和越南的15年间,我注意到同大多数美国父母相比,亚洲父母 他们的婴儿建立了一种更为亲密的身体 联系

  • Wearing a coat and tie to a good restaurant is an accepted convention .

    进入上流社会饭店 穿外衣带 领带是公认的惯例。

  • They usually wear a collar and tie to go to work .

    他们通常穿着硬领衬衫、 打着 领带 上班