tight corner

[taɪt ˈkɔrnɚ][tait ˈkɔ:nə]


  • I got into a tight corner financially and had to sell my car to pay back what I owed .

    陷入了财政困难,只得出售汽车 来归还欠款。

  • However the financing of small and medium-sized enterprise has long been in a tight corner which does not match its contribution to our national economy .

    但与此同时中小企业所受到的融资待遇却是与其对国民经济的贡献不相匹配,其融资活动长期处于 困境

  • Since Russia implemented economic transition the Far East agricultural production has declined by a big margin . Agricultural businesses try hard to survive and develop in a tight corner .

    俄罗斯实行经济转轨以来,远东地区农业生产大幅度滑坡,农业企业在 困境中求生存、求发展,步履维艰。

  • Little Chandler remembered one of Ignatius Gallaher 's sayings when he was in a tight corner .

    至今,小钱德勒还记得 加拉赫在山穷水尽时说过的一次话。

  • He set his teeth and felt discounted when he watched the rich drive the poor into a tight corner .

    他一看到富人将穷人逼入 绝境,就 得咬牙切齿,要 打抱不平

  • His lying got him into a tight corner .

    撒谎使他 陷入 困境

  • The government found itself in a tight corner over its incomes plan .

    政府因其收入计划 陷入 困境,不知所措。

  • The school-based teaching and research in the poverty-struck mountainous regions We are certainly in a tight corner but with perseverance we shall manage to get out of it .

    西部贫困县校本教研的现实困境与破解思路我们现在确实 陷入 困境,但是只要坚持努力,我们会走出困境的。

  • Moral education is in a tight corner in chinese education to realize the art of moral education is a good medicine for this ailment .

    德育在中国教育中步入 困境,举步维艰,实现德育美是拯救德育的一剂良药。

  • They teach you to use your head to get out of a tight corner .

    他们教你开动脑筋,摆脱 困境

  • With no money and nowhere to sleep he found himself in a bit of a tight corner .

    身无分文又无处睡觉,他发觉自己有点 陷入 困境

  • His lying got him into a tight corner . It lands writers in difficulties .

    撒谎使他 陷入 困境。它使作家们陷入困境。

  • As for how to enlarge effective demand Keynes put great emphasis on multiplies effect of investment but his investment theory had to face the dynamic tight corner .

    对于如何扩大有效需求,凯恩斯主要强调投资的乘数效应,但其投资理论面临着动态 困境

  • When they both asked me to help I found myself in a tight corner .

    当他们两人都请求我帮助时,我发现自己 左右为难

  • He is certainly in a tight corner now .

    他现在显然是 身处 困境了。

  • He found himself caught in a tight corner .

    他发现自己陷于 狼狈 境地

  • In a tight corner you must try harder .

    困难 境地,你得更加地努力。

  • He appears to have backed himself into a tight corner .

    他似乎已把自己逼入了 困境

  • But Mr Obama seems to have backed the Republicans into such a tight corner that their members calculated they preferred to take credit for a tax cut with constituents rather than face the wrath of the tea party on the budget .

    但奥巴马似乎使得共和党 无路可退共和党议员盘算,与其面对茶党对预算问题的指责,还不如因减税获得选民的好评。

  • Take it ease all of us will help you out of the tight corner .

    放松吧,我们所有人都会帮你度过 难关的。

  • We could have had a decent life after retirement with our savings but now we ` ve painted ourselves into a tight corner he added bitterly .

    他苦涩地补充道:我们本可以 着自己的积蓄在退休以后过上份舒适体面的生活,但现在我们深陷困境, 自讨苦吃

  • We are certainly in a tight corner but with perseverance we shall manage to get out of it .

    我们肯定已处于 困境,但只要坚持住,我们就定能摆脱困境。

  • Going round a tight corner he notices a woman driver who is coming in the opposite direction begin to lean out of her window .

    走到一个 转弯 ,他注意到对面一个女司机正在开始探身出她的车窗。

  • I 've told you that we were already in a tight corner and could not move any more .

    我告诉过你,我们已 走投无路,一步也走不了了。

  • If you 're on a tight budget there 's no getting away from it & Britain ain 't cheap said lead author David Else who dispatched contributors to every corner of the land in search of good deals but found few .

    《孤独星球指南》主要作者戴维埃尔斯说:如果你手头 的话,就会吃不消&英国可不便宜。埃尔斯将撰稿人派到英国 各地寻找划算的买卖,但是没多少发现。

  • At the time being as professional-title evaluation is in a tight corner our country should regulate it in proper and improving process in accordance with the characteristics of academic evaluation mechanism and the nature of administrative power of professional-title evaluating .

    基于目前职称评定面临多方质疑的 困境,根据其所具有的学术评价机制的特点以及行政权力的性质,我国高校教师职称评定应当以合理、完善的程序来进行规制。

  • It find itself in a tight corner which has its source in Chinese monopoly 's particularity and complexity is under the control of the influence of system change during the period of transition and is the result of legislation public choice and interest game .

    我国反垄断立法 陷入 困境,既根源于我国垄断的特殊性和复杂性,又受制于转型时期制度变迁的影响,更是立法公共选择与利益博弈的结果。

  • The area that needed the most architectural intervention was a tight little corner consisting of a tiny kitchen pantry and guest room .

    最需要进行建筑改造的地方就是一个由一间小厨房、餐具室和客房组成的 紧凑的小 角落

  • Mr Li I hate to say this but I am already in a tight corner and can 't move any more .

    伯恩:李先生,我不愿意这么说,但我已经 走投无路,一步也没法走了。