thin out

[θɪn aʊt][θin aut]


  • A series of stratigraphic overlap traps were formed as a result of depositional thin out from north to south in the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous in Kuqa Depression .

    侏罗系和下白垩统下段在库车坳陷南缘由北向南 ,形成一系列地层超覆圈闭。

  • Ade was winning the race until the thin boy edged him out .

    赛跑中艾德就要取胜了,可是那位 瘦瘦的小伙子却超过 他。

  • But thisDuan time thin out abruptly I think that your regards is strange maybe not you have changed but I had known you all along all never really !

    可这段时间, 突然间,我觉得你好陌生,也许不是你变了,而是我从来都不曾真正的了解过你吧!

  • Instead it will thin out evenly sometimes making them look as if they don 't have a balding problem experts say .

    所以,有时候看上去中国人中间 脱发并不是大问题。

  • And take one bit of bread and one cake of oiled bread and one thin cake out of the basket of unleavened bread which is before the lord .

    耶和华面前装无酵饼的筐子中取一个饼,一个调油的饼和一个 薄饼

  • Walter believed even war and disease have a purpose in nature-to thin out populations which the earth can 't support .

    沃尔特相信甚至战争和疾病也有一种天然的目的& 减少地球无法养活的人口。

  • Thin out buds to improve the quality of the remaining flowers .

    使花蕾 变得 稀疏从而来提高剩余的花的质量。

  • The U.S. is losing its shine for some young minds as opportunities thin out for all involved not just 20 year olds on immigrant student visas .

    对一些年轻人而言,美国的光环正在 黯淡,对所有人而言,机会越来越少,不仅仅对持移民学生签证的二十几岁的年轻人而言。

  • Secondly those cities that put in place social distancing measures such as isolating patients and their contacts or staggering working hours to thin out rush hour kept the number of deaths down .

    第二,那些采取了“社会距离”措施(诸如隔离患者以及他们的接触者,或者 错开工作时间从而 减少交通的高峰时间)的城市控制了死亡数量。

  • Cancer thinning out case-hardened organization in these happened Be to thin out the skin tumour .

    发生在这些 间皮组织的恶性肿瘤就是间皮瘤。

  • Just trim my hair a little and thin it out .

    只是把我的头发剪短点 一点。

  • You won 't make a positive impact if you start stretching yourself too thin right out of the gate .

    如果才刚一开始你就 劲,那么你就不会产生一个积极的影响。

  • Toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out .

    靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐 稀少

  • I want to thin out those tomato plants since they are growing too close together .

    我要对这些番茄进行 间苗,它们长得太密了。

  • Towards the city limits the houses begin to thin out .


  • According to trap formation classification reservoirs in the basin can be divided into 7 different types : ① sandstone updip thin out reservoir ;

    根据圈闭成因分类法,可将盆地内油气藏划分为7种类型:①砂岩上倾 油气藏;

  • Facial muscles are tight ; lips thin out .

    面部肌肉紧绷,嘴唇 张开

  • The base vein is thin hollow out pattern . The main body of the picture is carved lightly . The design is delicate and beautiful .

    衬底的地纹为 镂空图案,画面的主体采用浅刻。构图精美,细腻耐看。

  • Before engaging in a large battle try to thin out your opponents army so that you have not only micro control but now have firepower control .

    在进入大规模战斗前,试着 削弱你的敌人,这样你不仅需要微操,还需要火力控制。

  • His thin long nose ran out as if it was eager to bore into the nature of things in general .

    他的 细长的鼻子直往前 ,仿佛世界上的事情他都要钻个透似的。

  • The first thing I like to do is to thin out the subject 's eyebrows and eyelashes .

    的第一件事,我喜欢做的,是 主题的眉毛和睫毛。

  • But recently I 've started to thin out myself .

    但最近我开始让自己 放松 下来

  • Generally it is thicker in the east-ern part than in the western part and local offset and thin out .

    煤层厚度变化较大,总的规律是东厚西 ,局部分叉尖

  • When project tasks thin out the resource manager ensures that the employee can work on a different project part time .

    当项目任务 很少 ,资源经理会确保雇员临时为不同的项目工作。

  • At first trees line the road but then they gradually thin out .

    起初,路两边都是树,后来逐渐 稀疏 起来

  • Though the Terrans are badly outnumbered in this fight the hunter-seeker missiles of the nighthawks allow the Terrans to thin out the zerg forces considerably .

    这场战斗中,虽则人的总称不敌 虫族压倒性的数目,但夜鹰工程机的捕杀追踪导弹让人的总称可以 消灭大量的虫族兵力。