


  • Numerical Analysis of Starved Elastohydrodynamic Lubrication for Elliptic Contacts Preparation of Thixotropic Water-Based Carbon Black Dispersion and Its Application

    椭圆接触乏油弹性流体润滑数值分析 变性炭黑水基分散体的制备和胶体 性质

  • The measurement and evaluation methods for thixotropic cement slurry are emphatically and overall analyzed and discussed in this paper and the raised model related to the thixotropy of cement slurry is also suitable for the thixotropy evaluation of other Bingham fluid and power law fluid with non gelling property .

    文章重点对 触变 水泥浆的测量和评价方法进行了全面分析和深入的讨论,提出的水泥浆触变性有关模型同样适用于其它非胶凝性宾厄姆流体、幂律流体的触变性评定。

  • Study on the Development of Thixotropic Cyanoacrylate Adhesive

    触变 氰基丙烯酸酯胶粘剂的开发研究

  • Study on Thixotropic Forming of SiC_p / AZ61 Composites

    SiCp/AZ61复合材料 触变成形研究

  • The methodology presented to conduct the upper bound analysis of thixotropic extrusion process of semi-solid metal .

    运用半固态金属 触变 成形上限法,对半固态 金属 触变挤压过程进行了上限分析。

  • Application of Thixotropic Reactive Resin in Automobile Coatings

    触变 反应型树脂在汽车涂料中的应用

  • Studies on effect of some thixotropic agents on thixotropy of unsaturated polyester resin

    某些 触变剂对不饱和聚酯树脂触变性能影响的研究

  • In this paper the paddy-field soil is examined with the extrusion rheometer and considered to be a thixotropic material .

    作者用挤压式流变仪对水田土壤进行测定,认为水田土壤是一种 变性材料。

  • The effects of interfacial design on the shear yield behavior and thixotropic behavior of ternary composites were discussed through rheological measurements .

    通过流变性能研究,讨论了界面设计对三元复合体系剪切屈服行为与 触变行为的影响。

  • This paper studied the different rheological characters of various thixotropic agents in the epoxy system which was affected by shelf life coupling agent and curing agent .

    本文研究了胶粘剂体系中三种不同的 触变剂的流变特性,讨论了贮存时间、偶联剂、固化剂对其流变性能的影响。

  • When the addition of 2wt % can lower the viscosity and show some of the thixotropic property .

    当添加量为2%(wt%)时能有效降低体系的粘度,且表现出一定的 触变性能。

  • It was suggested that proper bentonite can be selected in different formulations according to its thickening and thixotropic ability .

    根据膨润土增稠、 触变能力的不同建议不同配方有针对性地选用膨润土。

  • This article discusses the synthesis way and the advantages of thixotropic cyanoacrylate adhesive .

    阐述了 变性氰基丙烯酸酯胶粘剂的合成方法及其优越性。

  • The effect of the amount of silica powder and sulfuric acid employed as well as polyacrylamide added on the properties of the gel electrolyte was studied and the mechanism of the peptization of silica powder to form thixotropic silica gel electrolyte was discussed .

    研究了SiO2粉末和H2SO4用量及聚丙烯酰胺添加量对凝胶电解液性能的影响,并分析讨论了SiO2粉末胶溶形成 触变 硅凝胶电解液的机理和特点。

  • Model and Properties of Isothermal Gelling Process for Thixotropic Waxy Crude Oil

    触变 含蜡原油等温胶凝过程特性及模型研究

  • The use of BYK-410 Liquid thixotropic agent in coatings

    液体 触变剂BYK-410在涂料中的应用

  • Improved delivery systems and the use of thixotropic substances are resulting in a more homogeneous and longerlasting deposition on the nasal mucosa .

    改进的释药系统和 溶基质的应用,导致药物在鼻黏膜更均匀、更持久的沉积。

  • Reheating state and thixotropic behavior of semisolid hypoeutectic Al-Si alloy were investigated by the penetration method .

    采用浸入法研究了半固态亚共晶铝硅合金的二次加热状态及其 触变性能。

  • A thixotropic room temperature filling compound for telephone cable is developed .

    开发了一种 触变 可室温填充的电缆填充料。

  • The formulation and processes of the water soluble high build coatings for railway truck are introduced . The influential factors including waterborne anti-rust resins acrylic emulsion and thixotropic agents etc are also discussed .

    介绍了铁路货车用水溶性厚浆涂料的配方和工艺,并讨论了水性防锈树脂、丙烯酸乳液、 触变剂等影响因素。

  • It is theoretical basement to apply further for practice thixotropic plastic forming technology analysis .

    为在实际 触变塑性成形工艺分析中的进一步应用奠定了理论基础。

  • A New Evaluation Method of Cement Thixotropic Property

    水泥 变性评价新方法的 试验研究

  • The change of the viscosity of gel with time showed that the gel is a kind of thixotropic fluid .

    凝胶的粘度与时间的关系表明该凝胶体系为 触变 体系。

  • The dispersion effects of hyperdispersants on carbon black were studied withflowability viscosity and area of thixotropic hysteresis loop as quantitative parameters .

    以流动度、粘度、 触变环面积为定量指标,研究了超分散剂对炭黑的分散性。

  • The development of upper bound theory of thixotropic plastic forming process for semi-solid metal was done .

    针对半固态 金属 触变塑性成形的特点,本文发展了上限法理论在半固态金属触变塑性成形分析中的应用。

  • SJK1500 is a one-part thixotropic polyurethane based adhesive and sealant .

    SJK1500是一种单组份聚氨酯胶粘接密封胶, 触变

  • The influence of thixotropic reactive resin & Ac resin the automobile coating have been studied .

    研究了 变性反应型树脂(简称AC树脂)对汽车涂料性能的影响。

  • Research on thixotropic cement and its application
