

[医] 甲状腺瘤

  • Evaluation of Clinic Diagnosis with ~ ( 99m ) TcO_4 ~ - and ~ ( 99m ) Tc-MIBI on Imaging of Autonomic Functional Thyrophyma

    ~(99m)TcO4~-及~(99m)Tc-MIBI对功能自主性 甲状腺 显像的临床评价

  • Conclusion It is a better choice that the application of preserving superior pole of thyroid in subtotal thyroidectomy on thyrophyma and preserving both superior pole and blood vessel of thyroid in thyroidectomy on nodular goiter .

    结论保留甲状腺上极 保留上极又 保留甲状腺血管的甲状腺 部分切除术是治疗 甲状腺 良性 病变较好的术式选择。