tie the knot

[taɪ ði nɑt][tai ðə nɔt]

[法] 结婚

  • I really want to tie the knot this years and start a family .

    我很想今年 结婚,组织一个家庭。

  • Nor was it easy to tie the knot with great wall .

    它跟长城 证券 结成 合作 关系也不容易。

  • Glee lovebirds Blake Jenner and Melissa Benoist are reportedly set to tie the knot !

    据报道,出演了《欢乐合唱团》的布莱克詹纳和梅利莎拜诺伊斯特这对情侣将要 连理了!

  • So when are you and Becky gonna tie the knot ?

    所以你跟 贝姬什麽时候要 结婚啊?

  • Under French law couples must tie the knot before a mayor to make their union official .

    根据法国法律,新人举行 婚礼必须有市长 见证,才可正式 为合法夫妻。

  • Every year in China more than ten million couples tie the knot .

    中国每年有超过一千万的新人 喜结良缘

  • But romance had nothing to do with Li'sdecision to tie the knot .

    但李 结婚的决定与浪漫无关。

  • In lieu of wedding gifts the couple asked that guests donate to the marriage equality charity Tie The Knot to help other same-sex couples win equal rights in other states .

    代替结婚礼物,这对夫妇要求客人捐献给婚姻平等慈善机构 喜结良缘,帮助其他同性夫妇在其他州赢得平等权利。

  • The odds for a happy marriage may favor those who tie the knot between the ages of23and27 .

    幸福的婚姻似乎更偏爱那些 23到27岁间 喜结良缘的人。

  • That is why before you tie the knot you need to have a talk with your spouse and discuss what you are willing to sacrifice to be with this person .

    你应该在 领带 准备 进入 教堂前与配偶讨论一下&你愿意为这个人作出多大的牺牲。

  • Emily Blunt is about to tie the knot with her lover .

    艾米莉·布朗特准备五月与爱人 永结同心

  • When he heard that John and Mary planned to tie the knot next week Mark threatened that if they got married he would kill them .

    当得知约翰和玛丽打算下周 结婚时,迈克威胁说如果他们结婚,他就杀了他们。

  • So why didn 't they tie the knot officially or if they did announce it ?

    那么,他们为什么不正式 永结同心,或者如果他们结婚了,还宣布吗?

  • LL : Well hopefully someday we ' 'll both find someone really nice to tie the knot with .

    我也希望我们两个都能找到 满意 对象!对了!

  • I can 't believe Jim is going to tie the knot ! He seems too young to get married .

    我不相信杰米准备 结婚了。他看起来太年轻了。

  • New couples will tie the knot in the beautiful French-style garden within the pavilion .

    而如今,新婚夫妇将在法国馆的美丽的花园中 喜结良缘

  • So when are you two going to tie the knot ?

    那么你们俩什么时候 结婚呢?

  • Why did you pick that particular date to tie the knot ?

    你为什么要挑那个特定的日子来 结婚

  • Busy lovebirds Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux have had a breakthrough on their wedding plans - as Justin has agreed to tie the knot in California .

    詹妮弗安妮斯顿和贾斯汀 塞洛克斯这对忙碌的情侣对于他们的结婚计划有了突破性的进展贾斯汀同意在加利福尼亚举行婚礼了。

  • Couples across New York are taking advantage of Wednesday 's once-in-a-lifetime date-09 / 09 / 09-to tie the knot .

    全纽约的情侣们都不想错过周三这个千载难逢的好日子,纷纷选择在09年9月9日这一天 结婚

  • He found it very difficult to tie the knot .


  • If the sleeping beauties open their eyes both man and woman are contractually obliged to tie the knot .

    如果睡美人睁开眼睛,这对男女就可以按照合同约定 连理

  • Fred and Betty finally decided to tie the knot .

    福瑞德和贝蒂终于决定要 缔结 连理了。

  • Couples race to tie the knot this year as it is said to be an auspicious year for marriage .

    据说今年结婚的都能长久,所以情侣们都在今年赶著 结婚

  • Most people find it risky and unacceptable to tie the knot without a flat .

    很多人都觉得没有房子就 结婚是存在风险,也是不能接受

  • After dating for five years they finally decided to tie the knot .

    年之后,他们终于决定 结婚了。