tight alignment

[taɪt əˈlaɪnmənt][tait əˈlaɪnmənt]


  • Industry Models provide an integrated set of process service and data models that can be used to drive analysis and design of service architectures ensuring a tight alignment of data definitions across modeling domains .

    IndustryModels提供一组过程、服务和数据模型,可以使用它们进行服务体系结构的分析和设计,确保跨建模领域 准确 调整数据定义。

  • Tight alignment : Using the special alignment equipment and detection sample plate to make the tight alignment of rail to ensure the final dimension requirement .


  • Successful recruiting in the early stage is more about finding super talented folks with tight cultural alignment .

    在初期,成功招聘意味着寻找那些具有文化认 同感的超级天才们。

  • Weak quads or a tight IT band can pull the kneecaps out of alignment and exacerbate the wear and tear .

    股四头肌虚弱和髂胫束 太紧可以导致膝盖骨位置不 ,加剧磨损和拉伤。