think poorly of

[θɪŋk ˈpʊrli ʌv][θiŋk ˈpʊəli: ɔv]


  • As a result of this ugly little scene you each think poorly of the other .

    这件不快的小事造成的后果是你们彼此留下了 印象

  • The world of off-patent medicines we think is poorly served David Simmons president of Pfizer 's established products unit said in an interview .

    辉瑞现有产品部总裁,在一次采访中说:我们 认为非专利药领域一直未被 开发。

  • When they are convinced that others think poorly of them such people lack the self-confidence necessary to consistently take action .

    当他们 认为别人对 自己 没有信心,他们也 了采取行动所需要的自信。

  • I wouldn 't think too poorly of him .

    要是我,不会 估价 了。

  • It 's said that crying at work is a big no-no simply because your colleagues or boss may think poorly of you .

    工作时哭一般来说是不允许的,原因很简单,同事和老板会因此而 你有 印象