throw by

[θro baɪ][θrəu bai]


  • Please note that you still need to throw whatever exception is caught by the invoked code ( in this case IOException ) .

    请注意您还是需要 抛出 被调用代码捕获的异常(在本例中,为IOException)。

  • Rubber rod throw is one of the strength training measures about javelin throw which throw less weight rubber rod and is the same as javelin throw by means of approach run throwing pace and final thrust .

    掷橡胶棒是通过与掷标枪一样的助跑、投掷步、最后用力 方法投掷重量较轻的橡胶棒的练习,是掷 标枪的专项力量训练手段之一。

  • The boy stares the big eye is pleasantly surprised is happy throws to me side takes off my hat to throw by far rashly toward the window outside .

    男孩瞪大眼睛,又惊又喜,高兴得扑到我身边,不由分说地就摘下我的帽子往窗外远远地 去。

  • One of the most important was whether the move would be interpreted as a sign of desperation as a last throw of the dice by impotent central banks .

    最重要的一个问题就是,这种举措是否会被人们解读成一种绝望的迹象,被人们视为软弱的 各国央行在 孤注一掷

  • Even this week he sought to throw sand in the faces of his accusers by implying the Bank of England had been complicit in wrongdoing .

    上周他还暗示英国央行(bankof england)是巴克莱不当行为的同谋,试图对他的指控者们 进行抨击。

  • The effect of throw out blasting can be controlled effectively by adopting plane strip shaped charge in chamber blasting engineering practice .

    在硐室爆破工程中应用平面条形药包可以有效地实现对 抛掷 控制。

  • Australia scored their first goal from a throw in by Lucas Neil .

    澳大利亚队的第一个进球即是 依靠尼尔 投掷 界外球得分的。

  • Ellie you can 't throw the main switch by hand .

    爱莉,你不能 徒手扳开关。

  • New technological means by means of one shot throw acid method and liquid alkali replace by lime to acid-base titration were tried . The research confirmed that the former simplified synthetic technique and not affect the product quality ;

    尝试了一次性 酸法和 石灰代替液碱中和等新的工艺手段,前者可以简化合成工艺,但不会影响产品质量;

  • Universities should throw themselves actively into the regional economic construction by establishing practical and feasible systems under the guarantee of keeping the basic goals of teaching and scientific research unchanged .

    高校应 通过建立切实可行的制度,在保证教学、科研基本目标不变的情况下积极 投身于区域经济建设,为学校的发展筹集资金;

  • I 'll just throw together a quick supper . By the way is there a buffet or a snack bar in your hotel ?

    马上做一顿简便的晚餐吧. 顺便问一下,你们宾馆有自助餐厅或快餐厅吗?

  • His tiny Spyker business has proved incapable on its own of breathing new life into Saab which is still trying to throw off years of mismanagement and underinvestment by GM.

    通用旗 经历多年的不当管理和投资不足之后,萨博仍在努力解决此前遗留下来的一系列问题,而微小的 世爵汽车已被验证无法带给萨博新生。

  • Wrestling is a sport in which two competitors attempt to throw or immobilize each other by grappling .

    摔跤是一项体育运动,其中两名对手 通过格斗试图 对方 出去或摔倒对方。

  • The throw is initiated by the tipper arm .

    投掷动作 手臂端发起。

  • It is always possible to throw away an advantage by ill-judged decisions .

    判断失当的决策总是有可能 我们失去一项优势。

  • And now a lot of researchers at home and a-broad throw lights on oral mucositis by means of physics chemistry and biology and make a great progress .

    国、内外学者从物理、化学、生物等多方面入手,对口腔 粘膜炎 治疗方法进行研究,并取得一定进展。

  • After theory assaying sum up 3 relationship pattern of tour industry and the urbanization and throw light on cases one by one .

    在理论分析的基础上,归纳总结出了旅游产业化与城市化的3种关系模式,并围绕案例 一一阐述。

  • Finally the presented throw distance model is compared with that proposed by foreign scholars in literature showing that they are basically close to each other .

    最后将文中提出 模型与国外 行人 距模型进行对比,结果证明该模型是有效的。

  • Filter algorithm could throw off a lot of text by filter criterion so it was often used for matching in big text .

    过滤算法能 根据过滤条件快速 抛弃文本中与匹配无关的文本片段,适合大库查找。

  • Throw a steer by seizing the horns and twisting the neck as in a rodeo .

    在牛仔竞技表演中抓住公牛或阉牛 角,扭它们的脖子直到它们摔倒为止, 然后 它们 出去

  • Landsat TM images were used for detecting the cover changes from 1984 to 1997 Large scales of wind throw were detected by this approach .

    利用美国陆地卫星TM图像分析1984~1997年植被变化表明,大规模的风 等自然 干扰容易检测出来。

  • If you are returning to work the next day you don 't want to throw off your entire sleep cycle by sleeping in until 2pm .

    如果你第二天就要回去工作,你不会想 打乱你的整个睡眠周期而直到深夜两点才睡。

  • Through the engineering practice it is proved that the throw of fault can indirectly been obtained by the direct detection of the key strata of fault .

    本文从实例出发,论证了 地雷达方法 通过对断层上下盘内关键岩层位置的直接探测,可以间接得到断层 落差

  • This thesis will throw light on his drama thoughts by researching his drama theories and combines the social cultural thoughts of current and the conditions of drama development in the middle and the late of Ming Dynasty .

    本文试图 通过对他的戏曲理论的分析,并结合 中晚明时期的社会文化思潮及戏曲发展状况,来进一步探讨他的戏曲思想。

  • She throw away the clerical pamphlet pass out to her by someone on the street .

    扔掉 有人在街上递给她的有关支持教权主义的小册子。

  • It 's possible to throw the computer program out of joint by typing in nonsense .

    在电脑中输入无意义的材料可能 程序 搞乱

  • Referee throw : Similar to a jump ball in basketball a throw into the air by the referee so a player on each team can jump and try to gain control of the ball .

    争球:与篮球的跳球相似,裁判员将球 向空中, 然后双方运动员跳起争夺对球的控制。

  • I was lured away from my study . Don 't throw up your education by leaving now .

    我受了诱惑而荒废了学业。别现在就离开, 荒废了你的学业。

  • Based on this knowledge using principle of fracture mechanics and elastic mechanics the relation math model about strike length and fault throw of hitch was made the influence key of fault throw was analyzed and it was validated by factual information .

    基于这一认识,运用断裂力学和弹性、流变理论,建立了小断层的断距与走向长度关系的数学模型,分析了影响断层断 的各种因素,并 实际资料进行了验证。