thiocyanic acid



  • Synthesis of thio ethers and thiocyanic acid esters using triphase catalysis

    芳香 对称硫醚和 氰酸酯的三相催化合成

  • A salt of thiocyanic acid ; formed when alkaline cyanides are fused with sulfur .

    氰酸的一种盐,当碱性氰化物被硫磺 溶解时形成。

  • Hydrocarbyl sulfuryl chloride was prepared by the oxidation of S - hydrocarbyl isothiouronium salts thiocyanic esters and sulfuric ether in the medium of hydrochloric acid under mild conditions with high yields .

    以S-烃基异硫脲盐、 氰酸酯、硫醚为底物,在 盐酸介质中,温和条件下,通过氧化法高产率地合成了烃基磺酰氯;

  • It was pointed out that the MIBK in thiocyanic acid system for separating zirconium and hafnium was effective and with complete technology it can be used in production on a large scale .

    指出,MIBK在 氰酸体系中萃取分离锆铪分离效果好,技术 成熟,可进行规模生产。