

vt.& vi.(使)变厚使更厚



  • The palms of your hands will thicken the skin of your cheeks will tan .

    你手掌的 老茧越来 ,你的双颊会被晒得黝黑。

  • He added some flour to thicken the soup .


  • The addition of flour will thicken gravy .


  • You can use flour to thicken sauces .


  • She put some ice in her drink . Thicken the soup by adding flour .

    他往饮料里加了点冰。加点面粉 使

  • Thicken the soup by adding flour .

    加点面粉 使

  • Use the paper to thicken your notebook .

    用这些纸 加厚你的笔记本。

  • They stand straight up and thicken at the bottom to form a bulb .

    他们站在直线上升,并在底部 加厚,形成一个灯泡。

  • As we age the lenses of the eyes thicken and thus refract light differently .

    随着我们年龄的增长,眼睛的晶状体 ,因此对光线的折射也会发生变化。

  • If you prefer more thicken gravy can add in some corn flour and stir it with the gravy .

    如果喜欢比较 酌的汤汁,可以加入一些太白粉混和。

  • But as the investigation continued the plot began to thicken

    但是随着调查的继续 深入,情况开始 变得 复杂 起来

  • Beat the eggs and sugar until they start to thicken .

    把鸡蛋和白糖 一起搅打至开始

  • Thicken the mixture with flour .

    加点面粉 混合物

  • Use flour to thicken the gravy .


  • ' Find anything ? ' he asked . ' Yeah . The plot thickens ' I said .

    “有什么发现没有?”他问。“嗯,情况 越来 复杂了,”我说。

  • Exudate of an Asian tree ; used for finishing textiles and to thicken foodstuffs and cosmetics .

    一种亚洲树木的流出物,用于处理纺织品和 食物和化妆品。

  • From seeds of the guar plant ; used to thicken foods and as sizing for paper and cloth .

    来自瓜尔豆属植物的种子,用于给食物 和给纸张、布料上浆。

  • Keep stirring until the sauce thickens .


  • The pudding will thicken as it cools .

    这道布丁 凉了就会

  • The crowds around him began to thicken

    四周的人群 密集起来

  • Use flour to thicken the gravy . The cook thickens the sauce with flour .

    加面粉 使肉汁浓 .厨师用麦粉使汁变浓。

  • Add the oats to thicken the mixture and stir until it is nice and creamy

    加上燕麦让混合料 ,然后搅拌成奶油状。

  • This is used in cleansers to dissolve oil and grease as well as thicken products .

    在清结剂中使用聚乙二醇是为了溶解油脂,同时 增加产品的 粘度

  • As the ice sheet grows and thickens it chills the nearby air .

    随着冰盖越来越大,越来越 ,周围的空气也冷了 起来

  • Thicken the broth with the cornflour

    加玉米面 使

  • More ominously the black clouds of debt seem to thicken inexorably .

    更糟糕的是,债务乌云似乎 无情地越发浓厚。

  • Add some wine to the gravy . Use flour to thicken the gravy .


  • Heat stirring until the juices thicken a little then pour over the chicken .

    加热,搅拌,直到 汁一点点 粘稠 起来,之后再 汁浇在鸡腿上。

  • You can thicken the soup with flour .

    你可以用面粉使汤 变浓

  • Used to darken and thicken the eye lashes . having skin made tough and thick through wear .

    用来使眼睫毛变深、 的。通过磨损使皮肤变硬或 厚。