thermometer reading

[化] 温度计读数

  • Embedded digital thermometer system has temperature measure reliable high accuracy easy reading surveying a wide virtues .

    嵌入式数字 温控系统具有测量温度可靠、精确度高、易于 读数、测量范围宽等优点。

  • The thermometer 's reading is very accurate .

    这支 温度计 读数非常准确。

  • The accuracy of the measurement system was evaluated by comparing the rectal mercury thermometer reading with the machine measured value right after the completion of heating . Results The deviation between the values read by rectal mercury thermometer and the machine was 0.1 0.7 ?

    结果对测温系统准确性的研究结果显示,用水银 温度计在停止治疗后测量与机测温度对比误差为0.1~0.7℃。

  • The Reconstruction and Perfect of the Thermometer Examine and Determine Box Reading Window and Reading System

    温度表检定箱 读数窗改造及读数系统的进一步完善

  • This paper introduces a new technique using CCD to graduate mercury thermometer at high accuracy mainly describes CCD judgement of reading system priciple of signal processing and design of software .

    本文介绍了一种用CCD对水银 温度计高精度 分度判读的新技术,主要叙述了CCD 判读系统,信号处理原理,软件设计。