


  • However I really hope that that thorn in the possession of the pain I will never forget .

    可是,我真的很希望那种 在身上的疼痛, 我永远不会忘记。

  • Thorn not break the shield and what are thorn in the broken spear can not co-exist .


  • I have thanked Thee a thousand times for my roses but not once for my thorn .

    我曾为我的玫瑰感谢你过一千次,却没有为我的 感谢你过一次。

  • The shepherd boldly examined the lion 's feet and discovered the thorn .


  • He was a thorn in the police 's flesh .

    他是警方的 眼中

  • Richard Chamberlain has agreed to make a sequel to ' The Thorn Birds ' .

    理查德·张伯伦已经同意接拍《 荆棘鸟》的续集。

  • Scrawny cattle ; scrubby cut-over pine ; old stunted thorn trees .

    瘦骨如柴的牛;矮小的被砍断的松树;老而矮小的 荆棘

  • He had stepped on a thorn .

    他踩着了一 荆棘

  • A toe falls off and lies like the tip of a rose thorn on her palm .

    一个脚趾头掉了下来,落在她掌中就好像一个玫瑰 刺头

  • You can graft pears on to white thorn or may trees .

    你可以把梨树嫁接在自 蒺藜山楂树上。

  • Some people be always grumble because roses have thorns ; I am thankful that thorn have roses .

    有人常常因蔷薇有刺而埋怨,我则因 有蔷薇而感激。

  • She 's a real thorn in his side

    她真 头疼

  • But now you need a rest after being pricked by a little thorn on the pumpkin !

    现在 南瓜 扎了一下就想歇息了!

  • I want my thorn into a flower .

    我愿我的 荆棘变成花朵。

  • Thorn roses and thistle and pears .

    还有 玫瑰,大蓟和梨树。

  • The thorn went deep into the flesh of my hand .


  • He 's a relative of course but a thorn in our flesh . I wish he could emigrate .

    他当然是亲戚,但也是我们的 肉中刺。我但愿他也能移居到国外去。

  • He removes a thorn from a lion 's paw .


  • Thorn 's electronics operation employs around 5 people


  • Roses will always have thorns but with care they can be avoided .

    玫瑰花上都有 ,不过只要小心就碰不到。

  • I wonder why I become a thorn in their flesh .

    不知为什么我成了他们的 眼中 了。

  • You either complain rose has thorns or you appreciate thorn has rose .

    你或者抱怨玫瑰有刺,或者感激 上有玫瑰。

  • The dog had a thorn in its pad .

    这只狗的爪垫上 了一

  • You can complain because roses have thorns or you can be grateful that thorn bushes have roses .

    你可以抱怨玫瑰有 ,也可以感激灌木丛中有玫瑰。

  • The thorn of bone may dislodge from his throat without surgery .

    也许不用动手术就能去除他喉咙卡着的那块 骨刺

  • He felt his skin scratched by the thorn .

    他觉得皮肤 被刺划伤了。

  • Fallen angel tell me why ? What is the reason the thorn in your eye ?

    堕的天使,告诉我为什么?为什么我 变成了你眼中的一

  • The Party was a thorn in the flesh of his coalition .

    该党是他 所在联盟的 眼中 肉中刺

  • Your Majesty the farmer replied my finger was pricked by a thorn on the pumpkin .

    陛下!农夫答道,我的手指被南瓜 扎了一下。