



  • Its total surface area was seven thousand square feet .

    它的总表面积为 7平方英尺。

  • I 'm not in a financial position to turn up my nose at several hundred thousand pounds .

    我的经济境况使我无法对 几十万英镑无动于衷。

  • They paid in that cheque a couple of days ago and drew out around two thousand in cash .

    他们几天前将那张支票存入了银行,然后支取了近 2 现金。

  • Visitors can expect to pay about a thousand pounds a day .

    游客每天大概要支付 1英镑。

  • To date we have spent eight thousand pounds between us .

    迄今我们总共已经花掉了 8英镑。

  • The survey used a random sample of two thousand people across England and Wales

    该调查在英格兰和威尔士随机抽样了 2人。

  • They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more .

    他们每人至少已经得到了 两万英镑,但仍然向法庭提出诉讼要求获得更多。

  • Thousands of refugees are packed into overcrowded towns and villages


  • The South American Indians have been cooking and eating potatoes for well over two thousand years .

    南美印第安人烹调食用土豆已有 2000多年的历史了。

  • Since we started in September we have raised fifty thousand pounds which is pretty good going

    我们自从9月份开始以来,已经募集到5 英镑,进展相当顺利。

  • About a thousand students fought with riot police in the capital

    大约 1 学生在首都与防暴警察发生了冲突。

  • Up to twenty thousand students paid between five and six thousand dollars

    多达 20 学生支付了5到6美元。

  • More than a hundred thousand miles of hedgerow have been lost since 1945 .

    自1945年以来,已有10 万多英里的树篱被砍掉了。

  • A thousand pounds worth of jewellery and silver has been stolen .

    价值 1英镑的珠宝和银饰被盗。

  • Up to a thousand prisoners may be on the loose inside the jail

    监狱里可能有上 囚犯跑出了牢房。

  • Three hundred thousand tons of cereals are needed to replenish stocks

    需要30 吨谷类补充库存。

  • She gets as many as eight thousand letters a month .

    她一个月里收到的信件多达 8封。

  • I must have driven past that place thousands of times .

    我得有上 次开车经过那里。

  • According to the official figures over one thousand people died during the revolution

    根据官方数字, 1 人在这场革命中丧生。

  • More than fifteen thousand people took part in the memorial service .


  • Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game .

    3 观众观看了决赛。

  • The paintings in the chapel were perhaps a thousand years old

    小教堂里的这些画可能有 1年的历史了。

  • He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land .

    他有将近 1公顷的草场和耕地。

  • Fields 's will bequeathed his wife Hattie and son Claude the sum of twenty thousand dollars

    菲尔茨将遗赠给他妻子哈蒂和儿子克劳德共计 两万美元。

  • Ten thousand copies of the book were sold .

    那本书卖了1 册。

  • Her one-of-a-kind custom garments are priced from one hundred dollars to more than a thousand dollars .

    在她这里定做一件款型独一无二的衣服,价格从100美元到 1美元以上不等。

  • One thousand yuan has been drawn from the account and there is still one thousand yuan left .

    这笔款子提了一千元,下存 一千元。

  • About six thousand people were arrested several hundred of whom have since been released
