third arbitrator

[θə:d ˈɑrbɪˌtretɚ][θɜ:d ˈɑ:bɪˌtreɪtə]

[法] 第三仲裁员

  • The third arbitrator shall be the presiding arbitrator .

    仲裁 是首席仲裁员。

  • If the two arbitrators so selected are unable to agree within a period of15 days on the selection of a third arbitrator any party may petition the District Court of Hennepin county minnesota for the appointment of the third arbitrator .

    如果按照以上方式选定的两个仲裁员无法在15日内选定 仲裁 ,任何一方可以呈请明尼苏达州海乃平县联邦地方法院任命第三个仲裁员。

  • The customer and the Contractor shall appoint one arbitrator for each and the third arbitrator is appointed by the two other arbitrators .

    业主与承包商各指定一位仲裁人,第 仲裁 由其他两位仲裁人指定。

  • In any case the third arbitrator shall be a national of a State which can be regarded as neutral in relation to the dispute and shall act as president of the arbitral body .

    无论如何,第 仲裁 应为在争议中被视为中立的国家的国民并将作为审裁机构的主席。