Thomson effect


  • Poits the relationship of Joule effect and gas which err from Joule 's Law contribution for Joule - Thomson effect .

    指出了实际气体偏离焦耳定律与焦耳效应对焦一 效应贡献的关系。

  • The Boyle temperatures and the inversion temperatares of the Joule - Thomson effect were found from the second virial coefficient .

    (NEL)势,计算氢流体的第二维里系数,并从第二维里系数求得波义耳温度、焦耳- 汤姆森 效应的转变温度,并与实验结果进行了比较。

  • The working performance of thermoelectric generator is analyzed mainly on the base of couple size contact effect and Thomson effect .

    并对半导体温差发电模块的工作性能进行了分析,主要考虑了电偶臂的几何尺寸、接触效应和 汤姆逊 效应对其工作性能的 影响

  • The Thomson effect has influence on output power but there are no influence on matching condition when obtain the maximize output power . The low temperature of cold junction is advantageous to reduce the influence of Thomson effect .

    汤姆逊 效应对输出功率有所影响,但并不影响取得最大输出功率时, 负载 电阻的匹配条件,降低冷端温度有利于减小汤姆逊效应对最大输出功率的影响。

  • Along with the increase in high pressure gas wells in exploration and development the prediction of natural gas hydrate formation conditions is of vital importance owing to the influence of Joule Thomson effect on gas .

    随着高压气井的不断勘探与开发,由于受气体的焦耳& 汤姆逊 效应的影响,高压条件下天然气水合物形成条件的预测愈加重要。

  • The relationship between joule & thomson effect and gas err from joule 's law boyle 's law

    焦一 效应与气体偏离焦耳定律玻意耳定律的关系

  • On output power and efficiency also considering the Thomson effect numerical calculating model of output power and efficiency of micro-thermoelectric generator was built up .

    结合上述因素,并考虑到 汤姆孙 效应,建立了微小型热电发电器输出功率和效率的数学计算模型。

  • In this paper we investigated the vibration and stability of a cylindrical shell conveying compressible fluid by considering the effect of flow speed to the coupled system eigenvalue and solved Bessel 's equation by using Thomson 's function .

    本文研究了可压缩流体引起输液管道的振动及稳定性,考虑了流体速度对耦合系统特征值的 影响,并利用 Thomson函数对复宗量的Bessel方程进行了求解。

  • Is the Joule Thomson effect more notable than the Joule effect ?

    焦&汤 效应远比 焦耳效应显著吗?

  • The sources of the system errors include Gibbs Thomson ′ s effect of micro_crystal the pre crystallization of fine crystals in the magma heat transfer delay of temperature measurement the accuracy of analog to the digit transform and others induced in the procedure of operation .

    系统误差来源包括:微晶的增溶 效应 即Gibbs_ Thomson 效应 、细晶的预结晶作用、测温时的传热滞后、模/数转换精度及其它如操作过程引入的误差等。