


  • Both pelvic and thoracic sling restraints are used .

    用吊带约束髋部和 胸部

  • Objective To evaluate the outcome of surgical treatment for congenital upper thoracic deformity .

    目的探讨半椎体所致脊柱上 侧后凸畸形的手术治疗方法。

  • Less commonly these tumors involved the thoracic cord alone or the conus medullaris .

    累及 髓并(或)延伸至脊髓圆锥不太常见。

  • Methods The clinical data of48 cases who were performed esophagogastric intramural anastomosis in thoracic cavity were analyzed and studied .

    对48例施行 胸腔食管-胃壁内吻合术患者的临床资料进行分析研究。

  • Lateral thoracic flap technique ( 2 ): Blood vessels are located by ultrasound .


  • The soft internal organs of the body especially those contained within the abdominal and thoracic cavities .

    内脏,脏腑身体的柔软内部器官,尤指包含于腹部和 胸腔内的器官。

  • Non-invasive Ventilator ; Closed Drainage of Thoracic Cavity ; Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease ; Respiratory Failure ; Hydrothorax ;

    无创呼吸机; 胸腔闭式引流;慢性阻塞性肺病;呼衰;胸腔积液;

  • Objective To investigate the effect of30 % ethanol on closed thoracic drainage for patients with hydropneumothorax .

    目的观察30%乙醇对液气胸患者 胸腔闭式引流的效果。

  • Objective Discuss clinical value of treatment of thoracic vertebra fracture though anterior approach .

    目的探讨前路治疗 胸椎骨折的疗效。

  • An aortoesophageal fistula is a rare but fatal disease most commonly associated with thoracic aortic aneurysm .

    主动脉食道瘘管是一种罕见但易致命的疾病,大部分原因与 主动脉瘤相关。

  • Objective To analyze the essentiality and clinical value of preoperative CT examination of thoracic esophageal cancer .

    目的:分析总结 食管癌术前CT检查的必要性及临床价值。

  • Caused by a staph infection in your thoracic cavity .

    因为你的 胸腔感染了葡萄球菌。

  • The thoracic approach is also appropriate in managing patients with proximal esophageal motility abnormalities .


  • CTM or MRI were more valuable for diagnosis of thoracic disc herniation .

    采用CTM或MRI诊断 胸椎间盘突出有较高价值。

  • Diaphragm : Dome-shaped muscular and membranous structure Between the thoracic and abdominal cavities .

    膈:哺乳动物体内分隔 胸腔和腹腔的由肌肉和膜组成的穹窿形结构。

  • Results The best device configuration consisted of a parasternal electrode and a left lateral thoracic pulse generator .

    结果:最佳装置结构包含一个胸骨旁电极和左侧 脉冲发生器。

  • Objective To explore effective therapies for congenital tracheal stenosis of the thoracic part in children .

    目的探讨小儿先天性 气管狭窄的有效治疗方法。

  • Conclusion Closed drainage of thoracic cavity with tubule is an effective way to treat pneumothorax .

    结论细管 胸腔闭式引流是一种较好的治疗气胸的方法。

  • This is two common thoracic deformity .

    这是两种常见的 畸形。

  • A muscular membranous partition separating the abdominal and thoracic cavities and functioning in respiration .

    横隔膜一种分隔 胸腔和腹腔并起呼吸作用的肌性膜隔。

  • This paper addresses clinical controversies and uncertainties regarding thoracic aortic aneurysm and its treatment .

    本文关于 主动脉瘤及其治疗的临床相关争论和不确定性因素。

  • The major complication was severe bleeding in thoracic and abdominal cavity ( 63.7 % ) .

    主要并发症为严重 、腹腔出血(63.7%)。

  • Method The preoperative CT appearance and pathological results after operation were reviewed to27 thoracic esophageal cancer patients .

    方法:对手术证实的27 食管癌患者的术前CT表现与手术结果进行对照总结。

  • Appliance value of X-ray and CT in thoracic trauma


  • Thoracic aortic aneurysm and aortic dissection are a serious disease the mortality and morbidity were very high .


  • To explore foreseeable nursing intervention in the treatment of elderly multiple myeloma combined with thoracic and lumber vertebrae fracture .

    探讨预见性护理干预在老年性多发性骨髓瘤合并 腰椎骨折患者护理中的应用和效果。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical results of the surgical treatment via articular process approach for thoracic disc herniation .

    目的评价采用经关节突入路手术治疗 胸椎间盘突出症的疗效。

  • Objective To modify the operation method for thoracic outlet syndrome based on the anatomic dissection and clinical analysis .

    目的在解剖学研究和临床分析的基础上提出了 出口综合征手术方法的改良。

  • But there was no significant hemorrhage in the abdominal or thoracic cavities .

    但在 胸腔和腹腔没有明显出血。

  • Selective arteriography of the right internal thoracic artery revealed a feeder vessel for the pseudoaneurysm .

    对左 动脉 选择性动脉造影术,显示了一根分支血管的假动脉瘤形成。