theta wave

[ˈθetə wev][ˈθi:tə weiv]

[医] θ波(频率为每秒4-7次的脑电波)

  • In AD patients the EEG abnormalities demonstrated that bilateral dysrhythmia of theta wave and delta wave in frontal lobe and occipital lobe compared to AD VD patients were associated with non synchronization ;

    AD患者脑电图改变主要是双额叶及双枕叶的节律改变,以 θ 波及δ波为主要活动,而VD患者以不对称为主要表现;

  • The features of EEG abnormal changes were global or focus paroxysmal middle - high or extremely high voltage delta wave or mixed delta theta activity associated with sharp wave discharge and in hyperventilation with 4-6c / sec spike and wave complex .

    脑电图异常改变以全脑或局灶性阵发性中~高或极高电位的δ波或δ、 θ混合活动,伴尖 发放为特征,过度换气中可见每秒4~6次棘慢综合波。

  • Moreover Skewness and kurtosis of the logarithm power histograms of some characteristic waves in EEG such as delta wave during SWS and theta wave during waking and REM obtained high values .

    EEG在不同时期的某些特征波(例如:慢波睡眠期的δ波、清醒期和快动眼睡眠期的 θ 等)使功率对数值分布具有较大的偏斜度值和峭度值。

  • So we have the operationon the wave function in terms of r theta and phi and remember this e is just our binding energy for the electron and we get back out this wave function .

    我们用r, θ,φ来表示,将算符作用于波函数,而且记住e仅仅是电子结合能,然后后面加上 函数。

  • Theta wave activity starts in the back of the brain in it 's fear center the amygdala and then interacts with brain 's memory center the hippocampus before traveling to the frontal lobe where thought processing areas are engaged .

    θ 活动开始于位于大脑后部的恐惧中心杏仁核然后在前往思维加工区域,大脑额叶之前,与大脑记忆中心海马体相互作用。

  • Utilizing electroencephalography ( EEG ) Dr. Hart 's research team identified theta and beta wave activity that signifies the brain 's reaction to visually threatening images .

    利用脑电图(EEG),哈特博士的研究小组发现了表示大脑对视觉威胁影响反应的 θ和β 活动。

  • In different cerebra areas the energy of alfa beta and theta wave have increased in sadness than in happiness .

    悲伤情绪与愉快情绪相比,α 、β θ 能量增强,但增强的脑区不同;