
[tiˈærə, -ˈɛrə, -ˈɑrə][tiˈɑ:rə]


  • Phillips chose a cathedral-length bouffant veil held in place by a Greek Key tiara lent by her mother Princess Anne .

    菲利普斯头戴曳 地头纱,冠冕是母亲安妮公主借给她的。

  • And come up with this gorgeous diamond tiara ?

    最后就找到这个漂亮的钻石 了?

  • Among the priceless jewellery on display are private gifts to the monarch from members of her family and famous pieces such as the Cambridge Emerald necklace made for Queen mary 's coronation in1911 and the Vladimir tiara .

    在展出的贵重珠宝中,有一些是女王的家族成员送给她的礼物,另外还有一些著名的珠宝,如1911年玛丽女王加冕时佩戴的剑桥绿宝石项链以及 符拉基米尔 钻石等。

  • This young girl fully aware sat at a garden table in her pink formal gown a tiara of flowers in her glossy black hair .

    这个年轻的女孩,充分意识到了,穿着她的粉红色礼仪宽松长外衣坐在一张园桌旁,一个 花冠在她光亮的黑发上。

  • If a woman wanted a diamond tiara she would explain that it was to save the expense of a bonnet .

    如果一个女人想要一件钻石 头饰,她会解释那样会省下一顶帽子钱。

  • Well why don 't we get you a tiara .

    喔,为什么不给我们一个 皇冠

  • And there was a tiara inside .

    发现里面有一个 头饰

  • You must be talking about the tiara .

    你一定是在说那 顶头

  • Some successful examples of combinations of modern and traditional fashion elements are the modern bridal tiara based on a Sung Dynasty design and the Hunan Province style of embroidered sash made in the traditional colors of pure red blue and green .

    有许多例子成功地将现代和传统的时装要素融合在一起,其中有现代化的新娘 ,它采用了宋朝的设计和湖南风格的刺绣饰带,并且色调使用了传统的大红色、蓝色以及绿色。

  • Michael Todd her third husband gave her a Cartier set of rubies and diamonds and a $ 25 tiara trinkets for the life of Hollywood extravagance to which he had introduced her .

    她的第三任丈夫麦克托德送给她一套卡地亚的红宝石和钻石,以及价值2.5万美元的 头饰

  • Charlie will get her own float at the Sidmouth carnival as well as a ball gown and tiara according to the Sidmouth Herald .


  • She wore a beautiful white dress and had a tiara in her hair instead of the traditional veil .

    她穿着漂亮的白色连衣裙,戴着 头饰,而不是传统的面纱。

  • She is also the first we know about to wear a jeweled headband called a tiara while competing .

    她也是第一次,我们知道要戴头巾称为宝石,而竞争的 头饰

  • She was wearing a tiara a diamond necklace and a gold bracelet the works !

    她戴着个 头饰、一条钻石项链还有一个金手镯 & 首饰!

  • She wore a lovely tiara but the groom not to be outdone had on a very smart embroidered waistcoat .

    她戴了一 漂亮的 头饰,而新郎也毫不逊色,身着一件非常讲究的刺绣西服马甲。

  • Her sister curled her hair and put in blond extensions and a sparkly Tiara .

    姐姐帮她卷发,套上 长长的金色假发,然后再 上一个亮闪闪的

  • Middleton wore a veil held in place by a tiara and held a small bouquet containing lily of the valley which she will place on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier after the ceremony .

    米德尔顿 女士 并罩有面纱, 手持 来一 小把花束,其中含有来自山谷的百合,典礼结束后,她将把它放在无名战士墓上。

  • Who 's the knock-out with the tiara ?

    这个 花冠的是谁?

  • She asked the artist to paint in diamond necklace ear-rings and tiara even though she wore no jewelry .

    她要画家画上钻石项链、耳环和 冠状 头饰,即使她没戴。

  • The glittering tiara was loaned to Camilla by Queen Elizabeth II who is thought never to have worn the priceless piece .

    灿烂夺目的 皇冠是女王伊丽莎白二世借给卡米拉的,伊丽莎白女王还从未戴过这无价之宝。

  • When is the tiara ready ?

    金冠什么时候可以 好?

  • The final crowning touch is her golden tiara incorporating a fleur-delis ( lily ) design the symbol of the royal family of France that proudly decorated their coat of arms .

    最为瞩目的是她的金色 皇冠,装饰有百合的造型,这是法国皇室的家族标志,通常被装饰在他们的军装上。

  • You 'd be a wonderful woman if you 'd just let your Tiara slip a little .

    如果你将你的 稍微 倾斜一点,你会成为一个很好的女人。

  • The 22-year-old bride who worked as a systems data analyst and IT instructor sported a breathtaking diamond tiara studded with six teardrop-shaped emeralds .

    22岁的新娘是一名系统数据分析师和IT指导师。在婚礼上她佩戴着镶有六颗泪滴状祖母绿的钻石 ,奢华到令人惊叹。