tide over

[taɪd ˈovɚ][taid ˈəuvə]


  • In order to save the economy Western powers determined to make concerted efforts with the emerging developing countries tide over the difficulties .

    为了拯救经济,早日摆脱这次危机,西方大国决心与新兴的发展中国家齐心协力 共度 难关

  • In the current market environment with financial crisis any waste of resources could lead to serious consequences organizations must improve efficiency in order to tide over the difficulties .

    在目前金融危机施虐的市场环境中,任何的资源浪费都可能导致严重的后果,组织必须提高效益以便 度过 难关

  • Adversity shows insight Thank you help me tide over their difficulties !

    “患难见真知”,谢谢你帮我 度过 难关

  • He sold his furniture to tide over his illness .

    他卖掉家具以 渡过 难关

  • If they would put their heads together they would find ways to tide over the difficulty .

    如果他们集思广益,他们就能找到 渡过困难的办法。

  • They helped us to tide over those hard days .

    他们帮着我们 渡过那些困难的日子。

  • He received a loan of one million dollars from the bank to tide over his financial difficulty .

    他得到银行贷款一百万元以 度过财务困境。

  • He sold his car to tide over his period of unemployment .

    他卖掉了汽车以 渡过他失业的一段时期。

  • The government relief can only help you tide over the most pressing need but can never make everything work out right for you .

    政府的救济只能帮你 渡过燃眉之急,而不能为你解决一切问题。

  • The largest Korean yards do not appear desperate as they have secured enough order backlogs to tide over the current market until the new order environment improves .

    但韩国最大的几家船厂看上去并未绝望,因为他们已拿到了足够的未交付订单,足以 度过当前的市场 难关,直到新的订单环境有所改善。

  • To deal with financial crisis and reduce the impact of China 's inbound tourism we must take an active tourism recovery plan and measures to tide over their difficulties .

    为应对和降低金融危机对我国入境旅游的影响,我们必须采取积极的旅游复苏计划与措施来 渡过难关。

  • He managed to tide over the crisis .

    勉为其难度过 危难时期。

  • Study on Electric Power Demand Side Management to Tide Over the Peak-load during Summer / Winter Period

    电网迎 峰度夏(冬)期间电力需求侧管理的研究

  • We have worked hand in hand in tackling the international financial crisis to tide over the difficulties .


  • Without their help we wouldn 't be able to tide over our difficulties in carrying out the task .

    要是没有他们的帮助,我们在完成这项任务时就会有好多困难 克服不了。

  • We went forward hand in hand to tide over the difficulty .

    我们携手并进, 共渡难关。

  • At present forces should be concentrated on the construction of school buildings and clinics that have been destroyed by the floods and houses for flood victims to help them tide over the coming winter .

    当前,要集中力量,优先解决水毁校舍,卫生院所和灾民的 过冬用房。

  • Moscow could provide a little bit of funding to tide over the Greeks Mr. Tilford said .

    莫斯科方面可以提供少量资金 帮助希腊 度过困难时期,蒂尔福德说。

  • So long as people exist we can surely tide over difficulties and conquer the major natural disaster .

    只要人在,我们就一定能够 渡过 难关,战胜这场重大自然灾害。

  • He wanted money to tide him over

    他需要钱 来渡 难关

  • The banks were prepared to put up 50 million euros to tide over the company .

    银行准备拿出 5万欧元 帮助那家公司摆脱困境。

  • The original and tide over together where has a common destiny of the animals gone ?

    原来和人一起共 患难,共命运的兽到那里 了?

  • As long as we strengthen confidence and work together we will tide over the difficulties and achieve our shared goals .

    只要我们坚定信心、共同努力,就一定能 渡过难关,实现我们共同确定的目标。

  • Most importantly we have demonstrated to the rest of the world our sincerity and confidence to tide over the difficulties by opening mind and joining hands .

    更为重要的是,我们向外界传递了秉持开放心态、携手合作、 共渡难关的诚意和信心。

  • It must be magic power that helped him tide over the difficulties .

    肯定是磨力帮助他 度过了道道 难关

  • In order to tide over their difficulties out of the woods this article on how to study China 's enterprises and to take measures to deal with this crisis as to explore .

    为了 度过 难关,走出困境,本文就我国企业如何钻研并采取措施应对此次危机作以探讨。

  • John is willing to tide over his sister a little longer .

    约翰愿意再 接济她妹妹一些时候。

  • No matter what will happen then we must work together to tide over their difficulties .

    不管将来会发生什么事,我们都要一起 度过 难关

  • Ample foreign exchange reserves will help the government tide over the peak period of debt repayment

    政府不得不动用储备并向国外借款。充裕的外汇储备有助于政府 渡过还债高峰期