tie point

[taɪ pɔɪnt][tai pɔint]


  • Taking Tie Ning as basic point and introspect the important problems of the new period literature can bring some new gain for the new period literature research and provide some reference and apocalypse for the development and worth reconstruction of new century .

    同时,以 铁凝参照审视和反思新时期文学发展中的问题,可以为新时期文学研究带来一些新的收获,为新世纪文学的发展和价值重建提供借鉴和启示。

  • This paper mainly analyses the influence of data acquisition time tie point accuracy and different net-forms on network accuracy in the case of establishing the control network in mining areas with GPS positioning technique .

    主要分析了利用GPS定位技术建立矿区控制网时,数据采集时间、 约束 精度以及不同网形对网精度的影响,提出了保证GPS网精度的几点建议。

  • Cold forces increased with the rain front with the rapid withdrawal to the south of the Yangtze River coupled with a typhoon tie At this point still more rain in southern China .

    九月份,北方冷空气势力增大,雨带随锋面迅速撤回到长江以南,加上有台风雨 配合此时华南雨水仍较多。

  • Professor LI Tie proposes the Balance Treatment to against tumor the point is to raise the quality of patients'life .

    李铁教授提出对于肿瘤患者治疗的“平衡疗法”, 着重提高患者的生存质量。

  • This method firstly determines the stochastic characteristic of load margin index through an analysis about the randomicity of parameters which tie up with the tracing of critical point in continue power flow computation and then figures out the probability of voltage instability by using moment and cumulate method .

    该方法通过研究连续潮流计算中与临界 位置 密切相关的参数随机变化来确定相应的负荷裕度的随机特性,并在此基础上利用半不变量方法获取所需的电压失稳概率。

  • Community plays an important role of tie in connecting individual with others families with society . It is the epitome of society as well as the starting point of studying the whole society .

    社区担负着连结个人与他人、家庭与社会的重要 纽带作用,既是社会的缩影,同时也是研究整个社会的 起点

  • Study of strut - and - tie models for simply supported deep beams subjected to point loads

    集中荷载作用下简支深梁的压 拉杆模型研究

  • Doing this means you won 't tie your composite to where it 's deployed and you won 't need to change it if you need to move it to a different host or port at some point .

    这样做意味着,您不会 组合与其部署位置 绑定,并且在某个 时候需要将组合移动到不同的主机或端口时,您将不需要更改此信息。

  • It used the Ly feature extraction operator and improved method on the nadir linear array CCD image to extract the candidate orientation point and tie point for matching . 5 .

    使用改进的 Ly特征提取算子在正视线阵CCD影像上提取特征点,以用于特征 匹配。

  • After stitching to the vanishing point leave enough thread to tie a tailor 's knot ( tacking or back stitching thickens the point of a dart so that the fabric will crush when pressed ) .

    留足够线, 一个线结(粗缝与倒回针使得省道的 变厚,所以熨烫时,面料会有压痕)。

  • Toxicity identification evaluation ( TIE ) for identifying the key toxicants causing the effluent ecotoxicity was a core of the ecological risk management of point sources of toxics .

    鉴别出导致废水生态毒性的关键有机 毒物的毒性鉴别评价,是毒物污染 源的生态风险管理核心。

  • The paper discusses the scope meaning of other demonstrative pronoun from two respects : 1.the tie relationship of structure and reference point ;

    本文从两方面讨论旁指代词的范围意义:1.旁指结构与旁指参照 纽带关系;

  • But tie point is that a fear of failure which causes you not to even try is in fact a failure in itself .
