to avoid doing

[tu əˈvɔɪd ˈduɪŋ][tu: əˈvɔid ˈdu:ɪŋ]


  • Also try to avoid the beginner 's trap of doing your own modifications on experts advice based on what you feel is right ( I know I 've done myself that too many times ) .

    努力 避免初始者的陷阱, 做出你的修正、依据专家的建议,建立在你感觉正确的基础上(我知道,我已经多了好多次)。

  • To avoid creating resentment practice doing some of the little things that make a big difference .


  • People are making a mistake ; they believe they want to avoid labor but they really like doing it more than they thought than they would .

    人们犯了一个错误,他们认为自己会 设法 避免劳作,但是实际上人们比自己想象的更喜欢 制作东西。

  • Although it is logical to retain expatriates by guaranteeing a net of tax salary it is important to avoid doing this indefinitely .

    尽管通过提供税后工资来挽留人才似乎很有道理,但更为重要的是 避免无限期地 采取这一举措。

  • For example you can use JSPs to make your documentation change dynamically ( though we will discuss later a possible reason to avoid doing this ) .

    例如,您可以用JSP来使您的文档能动态改变(可是我们稍后将会讨论 避免 这样 的可能原因之一)。

  • In the non guarded area low pressure CO 2 gaseous fire extinguishing system would be better to avoid doing harm to people 's health from high concentration of carbon dioxide .

    无人值守的防护区域采用低压CO2灭火系统, 防止其较高灭火浓度对人体 造成伤害。

  • You can also check out9 Great Ways to Make Yourself Absolutely Miserable for more stuff to avoid doing to yourself .

    你也可以尝试阅读《9个让你痛不欲生的 做法》了解更多而 避免犯类似的错误。

  • The surest way to avoid doing so is to keep everything brief not to strain the attention of anyone but instead to provide constant stimulation through variety novelty action and movement .

    避免 造成 一局面的最有把握的办法就是使一切节目都保持简短,不要使任何人的注意力过于集中而受到损害,而要通过多样化、新奇性、动作和行动不断地提供刺激。

  • In Nepal it is bad manners to step over someone 's outstretched legs so avoid doing that and move your own legs when someone wants to pass .

    在尼泊尔, 跨过别人伸出来的腿会被认为是失礼的 行为

  • Study technique measures to avoid and lessen abutment staggering is most worthy of doing for the engineering appliance .

    研究 避免或减少桥台 车的技术及处理措施具有重要的工程实用价值。

  • You can also choose to run the bind process in the background to avoid disrupting other work you might be doing .

    还可以选择在后台运行绑定进程, 以免干扰可能 正在 进行的其他工作。

  • This may contribute to a breakout so it 's a good idea to avoid doing so if at all possible .

    就可以刺激粉刺的生长。所以, 尽量 避免 这样 行为是个好方法。

  • Local caching is becoming very important to avoid doing calls to external services from rule conditions or actions .

    本地缓存变得非常重要, 因为 可以 避免从规则条件或操作调用外部服务。

  • People clearly hide behind technology to avoid doing the deed face-to-face .

    显然,人们藏身科技之后,是 为了 尽量 避免面对面 这种尴尬的事。

  • Sue Hewitt says society probably still expects women to be more modest than men and that women instinctively want to be liked so they avoid doing anything that will risk alienating others .

    苏·休伊特说,可能社会仍然希望女性比男性谦虚低调,这种观念 使女性从本能上 博得身边人的喜爱,所以她们 愿意 一些可能会与别人疏远的工作。

  • Harry often clea his room as a tactic to avoid doing his homework .

    哈里常以打扫房间作为 逃避 作业的计策。

  • Try to avoid doing a too hasty turn make it smooth but still kinda quick .

    试着 避免 匆忙 旋转鼠标,让他平滑一些但是也 快一点!

  • If you know that you need to change something in three different places you avoid doing it even if it would make the code better in the long run .

    如果您知道 需要在三处不同的位置更改某个内容,那么即使有利于代码的长期运行,也应该 避免 这样

  • If something I am asked to do for another feels burdensome ; if yielding to an inward unwillingness I avoid doing it then I know nothing of Calvary love .

    若我受托为别人做的某件事情成了我的重担;若我屈服 内心的不乐意, 极力 逃避它,那我就还是丝毫不懂加略山的爱。

  • At the beginning they should make use of the old regime 's organs to raise military supplies so they can avoid doing it themselves ; otherwise there will be chaos .

    在开始时,我们还应懂得利用旧政权机构 筹办军需, 避免由我们军队直接去筹,形成混乱。

  • The secret for going from zero to seventy million users overnight is to avoid doing it all in one fell swoop .

    一夜间就将客户数由零变为七千万的秘密就在于 避免一步到位地 完成这个过程。

  • We would still know how to avoid doing something asked of us and how to get someone to agree with us ;

    我们仍然会“知道” 如何 躲避 别人要我们 的事情和如何使某人同意我们的意见;

  • I 'm not trying to avoid doing my job . I 'd hang someone every day so my family could be comfortable .

    我不是在 逃避工作,只要我的家人能过得舒服,我愿意天天都绞人。

  • Another person runs to avoid doing anything else to dodge a decision about how to lead his life or a realization that his life is leading nowhere .

    还有人跑步就是 为了什么也 ,既下不了决心好好规划自己的生活又不敢承认自己 碌碌无为最终将一事无成。

  • This is something most sysadmins desperately try to avoid doing .

    而这正是大多数系统管理员 尽量 避免的。

  • If you 're going to do something do it well enough to avoid doing it the second time .

    如果你要做什么事情,一定一次做好, 不要第二遍。

  • We can try to avoid making choices by doing nothing but even that is a decision . - Gary Collin .

    我们可以 避免作决定而什么都不 ,但即便如此也是 了一个决定。

  • We are trying to avoid doing anything extreme .

    我们也 采取极端手段。

  • The lazy man tried every shift to avoid doing his work .

    这懒汉 采取各种手段 回避工作。