through thick and thin

[θru θɪk ənd θɪn][θru: θik ænd θin]


  • She stayed with her husband through thick and thin .

    她在 任何 艰难情况下都 丈夫 在一起。

  • He has walked through thick and thin during the past five years .

    过去的五年中,他 历尽 辛酸

  • They stick by each other through thick and thin through big hair and ankle-length '80s schoolteacher dresses .

    她们彼此依靠着, ,从大盛的头发到及脚踝长度的典型80年代学校女老师装扮的裙子。

  • We 'll go all out to help you through thick and thin .

    我们将竭尽全力帮助你 克服一切 艰难险阻

  • You need a diverse well-rounded entourage that will stick with you through thick and thin .

    你需要多元化、全面的朋友团队来和你 同甘共苦

  • I will go on loving James through thick and thin no matter what happens .

    不管发生什么 不管 经历多少 艰辛,我都会一直爱着詹姆斯。

  • He 's supported the team for over ten years through thick and thin .

    十多 任何情况下他都支持这个队。

  • His wife stuck faithfully to him through thick and thin .

    他的妻子 同甘共苦,对他 坚贞不渝

  • There were still plenty of first-rate ones : Unilever and Toyota continued to innovate through thick and thin .

    一流企业仍数不胜数:联合利华和丰田汽车 同舟共济不断创新。

  • Partners around you through thick and thin example .

    身边的伙伴是你 同甘共苦的榜样。

  • He 's one great bro we 'll be behind him through thick and thin .

    他是个伟大的人,我们将不畏 艰险一直跟随他。

  • She had promised her mother that she would be with him through thick and thin .

    她答应过自己的母亲,要和弟弟 同甘共苦

  • China and other developing countries have gone through thick and thin together in development and set an example of South-South cooperation which is widely recognized by the international community .

    中国同其他发展中国家同 甘苦 共患难,树立了南南合作的典范,受到了国际社会的广泛好评。

  • This couple has gone through thick and thin together .

    他们是一对 患难与共的夫妻。

  • This explains why some fans remain loyal through thick and thin and despite the repeated failure of their teams .

    这可以解释为什么一些球迷面对球队的不断地失利依然 义无反顾地忠诚于他们的球队。

  • To trudge along or over . He dashed through thick and thin .

    他不顾 艰难险阻地往前冲。

  • I 'll going to love you through thick and thin no matter what happens .

    不管发生什么事,我都 始终不渝地爱你。

  • She feels like a fool for sticking with her husband through thick and thin .

    她觉得 丈夫一起吃苦 受罪太傻了。

  • She 'd stuck by Bob through thick and thin .

    鲍勃 患难与共

  • I 'll support you through thick and thin .

    任何情况下我都会支持 你们

  • We stick by the Party through thick and thin .

    我们坚定不移地 忠于党。

  • Single-minded inflexible hedgehogs lock into one strategy and stick with it through thick and thin .

    单一的头脑,僵化的刺猬锁到一个战略,并坚持与它 风雨同舟

  • We are old comrades-in-arms who have stood together through thick and thin .

    我们是 风雨同舟的战友。

  • They stuck together through thick and thin .

    不管有什么 艰难险阻 他们都紧密团结在一起。