The weather had turned warm and thundery overnight .
天气一夜之间就 转暖, 而且 雷声 阵阵。
The systems induced 12 tornados were of typhoon ( 6 times during July to September ) cold front ( 4 times May and June ) squall line ( 2 times in April ) and thundery cell ( 2 times );
()福建12次龙卷风的诱发系统为:台风(6次,均在7-9月); 冷锋(4次,均在5一6月);
Thundery weather often turns milk sour .
Heavy thundery rain fell throughout Thursday .
星期四下了一整天的 雷暴雨。
This afternoon being hot and thundery I woke up suddenly and went out on the balcony barefoot .
这天下午, 天气闷热, 雷声 阵阵,我突然醒来,便赤着脚走上阳台。
Thundery weather is forecast
天气预报 说 会 有 雷雨。
The weather has been thundery all week .
一个星期都是 雷雨天气。
The thundery weather has turned the milk .
在 雷雨 欲来的天气牛奶变 酸了。
The night had been warm and thundery .
夜晚很闷热, 像 是 要 打雷了。
The preliminary analysis of a thundery rain weather at early spring in Qingdao
青岛市初春一次 雷雨天气的初步分析