throughput rate

[ˈθruˌpʊt ret][ˈθru:put reit]


  • Additionally performance of optimized supply chain input / output pipeline system is analyzed by using space time graph in the area of throughput rate efficiency and speedup ratio .

    同时,以时-空图为分析工具,对采用重叠技术优化后的供应链输入/输出系统性能在 吞吐 、效率、加速比方面进行了评价研究。

  • The wax deposition obviously affects on the heat energy and kinetic energy depletion particularly when the pipeline runs at a low throughput rate in a long time .

    特别是当管道长期处于低 偏离经济 流速运行时,结蜡层的存在会对管道的热能及压能消耗产生更为显著的影响。

  • Firstly With Tuxedo platform some key problems such as high reliability high throughput rate and consistency of distributed transaction are solved .

    首先充分利用 Tuxedo对大规模分布式应用、分布式事务处理的良好的支持能力来解决中间业务系统面临的高可靠性、高 压力、分布式事务处理的一致性等问题。

  • The emergency fast repairing box for fiber optic cable can make fast and exact emergent repair to the faulty optical fibers and will not affect the normal optical fibers at the most extent so that effectively enhance the throughput rate of the system .


  • Leak Throughput and Rate of Pressure Rise of Vacuum Chamber

    真空容器的 漏气 与升压

  • Reasonable allocation of resource capacity can reduce resource capacity debris and enhance the throughput and acceptance rate in peak time and achieve the dual goals of resource optimization and QoS guarantee .

    合理的调配资源能力,可以降低资源能力碎片,提升高峰时刻网格 系统 吞吐量和接纳 ,使达到优化资源、保障QoS的双重目标。

  • Pb-link tree has high reliability high throughput rate low networking cost load balance . It is adaptive to p2p environment better than pervious distributed query algorithm .

    PB-link树具有可靠性高、 吞吐 高、网络开销低、负载均衡的性质,比传统的分布式索引算法更能适应P2P环境。

  • It increases the throughput rate up to4 times without any ad-ditonal hardware overhead .

    计算表明, DRTB算法在不增加硬件开销的情况下,使回溯运算 速度达到原来的4倍。

  • These include on-line off-line or near-line storage required throughput rate maximum allowed bit error rate or special handling or backup procedures .

    这些服务或措施包括在线、离线或联网存储,要求的 吞吐 、允许的最大误码率以及特殊处理或备份程序。

  • Worse the throughput rate has dropped substantially .

    更糟的是, 吞吐 大大降低。

  • The performance mainly contains exchange throughput rate and cell transmission delay .

    这里比较的性能指标主要是交换 吞吐 平均信元延迟。

  • The Management for the Low - throughput Rate Oil Pipeline with Intermittent Operation


  • The Third Generation Mobile Communication System ( 3G ) provides mobility across the Wide Area Network ( WAN ) but its data throughput rate is relatively low .

    第三代移动通信网络系统(3G)支持跨广域网络的移动性,但是数据 吞吐 速度相对较低。

  • We derive the success ratio and throughput rate in ideal and actual channels .

    分别在理想信道和实际信道中,推导了该方式的 接入成功率、 信道 吞吐 ,并进行了 仿真

  • In order to improve data throughput transmission rate should change adaptively according to meteor channel condition .

    为了提高数据 通过 ,需要根据流星信道质量自适应的改变传输 速率

  • WLAN movable customers can gain similar throughput rate and availability with Ethernet .

    利用802.11b,移动用户能够获得同Ethernet几乎一样的 网络 吞吐 、可用性。

  • In order to achieve high throughput rate of the circuit which implemented the AES ( Advanced Encryption Standard ) algorithm a interface circuit based on 0.6 μ m CMOS technology is designed .

    为提高AES加密电路的 数据 吞吐量,采用0.6μMCMOS工艺设计了输入接口单元电路。

  • In this paper an enhanced iterative joint channel estimation and symbol detection algorithm is proposed to enhance the system throughput and data rate .

    本文提出了一种改进的迭代联合信道估计与符号检测算法,以提高系统的 吞吐量和数据 速率

  • By analyzing the relation between minimum economic throughput rate or economic transportation distance with transportation price for the Western Natural Gas Transmission Pipelines two methods to decrease transportation price have been put forward .

    通过分析西气东输管道最低经济 或经济运距与运价的关系,提出降低运价的两种方法。

  • This might be based on throughput rate or on the concurrency .

    可以根据 吞吐 或并发性执行截断。

  • It can be efficiently solved if the intermittent transportation process was adopted when pipeline throughput rate was lower than the allowable minimum one .

    当管道 低于允许最低 量时,如能采用间歇输送工艺可以有效解决这一难题。

  • The low throughput rate for crude oil pipelines was a widespread question .

    原油管道低 情况普遍存在。

  • According to ATA protocol PHES used hardware encryption method in FPGA to achieve the transparent data encryption and high data throughput rate by pipeline operation .

    根据ATA协议,该系统利用FPGA硬件加密方法实现数据透明加密和流水线操作来达到高 吞吐

  • AXI bus throughput rate has improved by 19 % ~ 52 % the number of active bank can be minimized at the same time reducing the power consumption by relatively 14.3 % - 20.1 % during frequent SDRAM accesses .

    本设计同时能够有效减少activebank的数目约 33%,相应SDRAM的功耗也降低了14.3%~ 20.1%

  • With the approaching of the late production period of the oilfields in east part of China the throughput rate of Wei-Jing ( Weigang-Jingmen ) Pipeline decreases progressively year after year which requires an economical and rational transport mode .

    随着东部油田开采接近晚期, 魏荆线(魏岗&荆门)的输 逐年递减,选择经济合理的输送方式是一个重要课题。

  • The proposed architecture achieves 8 times throughput rate of conventional DA based on shift-add with 50 % extra hardware cost .

    文章提出的结构以50%的额外硬件资源,实现基于循环累加的传统DA结构8倍的 数据 处理 速度

  • But this testing is sometimes limited to the measurement of one value say throughput rate or response time .

    然而,测试往往局限于对某个值的测量,比如 吞吐 或者响应时间。

  • It has higher throughput rate and long enough transmission reach .

    它具有更高的 传输 速率以及足够长的传输距离。

  • Also consider throughput rate and shear sensitivity .

    此外,还要考虑 产率和剪切敏感性。