thus much

[ðʌs mʌtʃ][ðʌs mʌtʃ]


  • It is obvious that understanding a word and outputting a word belong to different processes . Outputting is more active complicated and thus much more difficult . ( Shu Dingfang & Zhuang Zhixiang 1996 ) .

    可见理解一个词与输出一个词是不同的过程,输出是一个更为积极,复杂 因而也是 为困难的过程(束定方,庄智象,1996)。

  • This small space can accommodate a few people thus functioning much like a small family projection room .

    这小小的空间可以供几个人坐下观看, 因此实际上 点像一个家庭放映厅。

  • The author calculate clustering factors by space analysis function of GIS thus much workload is decreased .

    本文借助GIS技术对公交网络服务水平进行聚类分析,利用其空间分析功能方便计算出各个聚类因子,大幅度减少了 工作量

  • When the dose was above 15 Gy the aberration frequency of cells and chromosomes increased significantly but the growth rate of callus decreased significantly thus much callus grew so slowly and died .

    剂量超过15Gy时,细胞和染色体畸变频率明显提高,但 愈伤组织生长 明显受抑, 使预后生长不良甚至死亡;

  • Thus much construction experience in collapsible soft soil is accumulated .

    在沿海软土地区 积累了成功的建设经验。

  • Its thus much too early to tell whether the recovery will be rated a success or a failure .


  • This means that they do not execute against the database until they are evaluated and thus run much faster than immediate queries .

    这意味着只在对数据库进行求值之后才会对它们执行查询, 会比立即执行查询的速度 更快

  • Thus much for those that are apt to envy .

    以上就是关于最易 人的人的

  • The portlet no longer requires anonymous Web sites to create sessions on the server and thus scales much better .

    portlet不再需要使用匿名Web站点来在服务器上创建会话, 因此具有 更好的可伸缩性。

  • Gantry-travelling type coordinate measuring machine Sports authorities fear that a new form of doping will be undetectable and thus much less preventable .

    移动龙门型座标测量机运动管理单位 忧心,有一类新型的违禁法将无法侦测、难以防范。

  • The advantage of active testing lies in that it could control the input of the testing thus much higher test coverage could be achieved ; state homing and fault location are much easier .

    主动测试的优点在于能够通过外部控制被测系统的输入, 因而能保证 较高的测试覆盖率,状态跟踪和错误定位也比较容易。

  • Thus much at least is clear now .

    现在至少 这些是清楚的。

  • Thus much of the standard is taken up with specifying those financial assets that are to be reported at fair value and those to be reported at historical cost .


  • Having said thus much I feel no doubt of your secrecy .

    说到 这里,我相信你一定能保守秘密。

  • This paper according to basic principle of plane mechanism motion analysis probe their essence process of retardation transter motion and state of velocity distribution and their inner link . Thus much supply essential basis knowledge for the design and application .

    本文从平面机构运动分析的基本原理出发,探讨了它们减速传递运动的本质过程及其速度分布情况和内在联系, 设计和应用提供必要的基础知识。

  • As Goldman Sachs says in a recent report Russia 's contribution to loose global financial conditions was thus much less than sometimes assumed .

    正如高盛(GoldmanSachs)最近在一篇报告中所言,俄罗斯对全球宽松金融环境的贡献 因而 远远低于人们有时候的设想。

  • The Cause Types for the High School Students Breaking Laws and Committing Crimes and the Ways to Deal with ; Sports authorities fear that a new form of doping will be undetectable and thus much less preventable .

    高等院校在校生违法犯罪的成因、类型及对策运动管理单位 忧心,有一类新型的违禁法将无法侦测、难以防范。

  • Nano-zeolites with unique physical-chemical properties such as high dispersibility and abundant surface hydroxyls are playing important role in catalysis and gas separation and thus much attention has been given to the synthesis of various nano-zeolites in recent years .

    纳米分子筛表现 许多独特的物理性质,如高外比表面积和丰富的表面硅羟基,具有独特的催化性能和对气体的分离能力。

  • The wavelet transform was carried out in the temporal axis instead of the traditional motion estimation / compensation thus much computation was saved compared with the traditional hybrid coding model .

    时域上放弃了运动估计和运动补偿,采用了时间轴上的小波变换, 因此该编码器与传统的混合编码模式相比, 具有计算量小的优点。

  • A New York minute is thus much shorter than sixty seconds indeed it 's almost instantaneous : I 'd go out with Bridget Fonda in a New York minute .

    一纽约分钟比六十秒 ,事实上,几乎就是眨眼之间:“再过一纽约分钟,我就和布利 吉德芳达出去。”

  • Autobiographical memory of personal information or personal life events experienced by the memory of mankind because of its self-awareness with emotional and personal significance of the close relationship between the complex and thus much of the popular psychologist psychological research as a memory new areas .

    自传体记忆是对个人信息或个人所经历的生活事件的回忆,由于它在人类认知中与自我、情绪、个人意义关系复杂而密切, 因而 倍受心理学家的青睐,成为记忆心理学研究的新领域。

  • Light objects have much less resistance to change of movement and thus require much less time to start moving .

    轻的物体需要较少的阻力改变运动以及用 较少的时间去开始运动。

  • Optimization of mobile phase composition in PFLC for protein renaturation with simultaneous purification is thus much more important than that in usual liquid chro .

    蛋白折叠液相色谱法( PFLC)用于变性蛋白质复性并同时纯化时对流动相组成及其洗脱条件的要求 较通常的液相色谱法高。

  • Thus much research has been done in this field and many researchers abroad have made great progress .

    国外 许多学者在这方面进行研究并取得了突破性的进展。

  • Through human-computer interaction it can also operate the rotation zooming and other operations to the reconstructed image so that doctors can fully understand the nature of the lesions and around three-dimensional structure of the organ thus much easier to make clinical diagnosis .

    通过人机交互,还可以对重构出的图像进行旋转、缩放等操作,使医生能够充分了解病灶的性质及其周围组织的三维结构关系, 从而 方便直观地做出临床诊断。

  • And thus much of woman was there in Hester that she could scarcely forgive him - least of all now when the heavy footstep of their approaching Fate might be heard nearer nearer nearer !

    而由于海丝特身上存在着 那么 女性的 东西,她简直难以原谅他尤其是此时此刻,当他们面临的命运之神的沉重的脚步已经可以听得见是越走越近的时候!

  • A veracious short-term electricity price forecasting can help a market participant make effective bidding decisions decrease bidding risk and bring steady-going incomes in a competitive electricity market . Thus much attention has been focused on electricity price forecasting .

    准确的短期电价预测可为市场参与者的竞价策略提供指导,从而减少参与者的竞价风险,为其带来稳定的收益, 因此短期电价预测已成为电力市场中的研究 热点

  • Complete root canal therapy is thus much preferable for reparation and preservation of permanent molars with vertical fracture .

    完善的根管治疗是 磨牙保存治疗的基本条件。