throw a fit

[θro e fɪt][θrəu ə fit]


  • Don 't throw a fit every time I have to go .

    不要在我每次不得不走的时候都 大发雷霆

  • The bat and ball were meant to throw a ridicule on Alexander 's youth being fit amusement for his age the bag of seed was an emblem of the Persian army being innumerable .

    送球和球棒,是讽刺亚历山大年轻, 正好拿这两件东西玩耍;而那袋种子,则象徵 不可胜数的波斯军队。

  • If the teacher says No throw a fit .

    要是老师 说“不”,就 威胁

  • I off one fat angeleno and you throw a hissy fit .

    我杀了一个 肥仔,你就 变成这样。

  • Keep the language about PG-13 . Nobody 's going to throw a fit with some occasional language but there 's no need to type like a sailor .

    将语言保持在 PG-13左右的范围。没有人想要因为某些特殊的话语而大发 脾气,但是也没有必要字斟句酌地输入。

  • I can throw a fit I 'm a master at it .

    我可以 好好 ,这事儿我最拿手了。

  • So when he starts to whine or throw a fit about doing something I turn that activity into a game .

    因此,当他因为不想做某事而开始哭闹或发 脾气时,我就会尝试着把这件事变成某种游戏。

  • Mom : ( gives a large sigh ) My husband is going to throw a fit when he sees this .

    母亲:(长叹一声)我丈夫看到这个会 大发雷霆的。

  • Father will throw a fit when he hears that the house has been burgled .

    要是父亲听说家里被盗了,他就会大发 脾气