tip help

[tɪp hɛlp][tip help]

[计] 详细说明

  • Tip of the Day : If you need help choosing a function and entering its arguments click the Function Wizard button on the Standard toolbar .


  • This tip can help you publish your product on a non-JRE OS : Just find a platform with JRE installed copy its JRE directory into the root folder of your exported product as shown below .


  • The remained contact area in the center of the tip surface help to maintain satisfactory weld quality .

    电极 中部残存接触区的存在 维持较好的焊接质量。

  • Tip : Knowing a bit about them will help you decide how to dress and which way to steer the conversation .

    小贴士:知道关于他们的一些信息会 你决定如何打扮自己以及用什么方式来控制对话。

  • Typical tip : $ 1 or more per bag especially if they help you with your luggage .

    典型的 小费 数目:每个包1美元或更多,尤其如何他们要 帮助你搬行李的话。

  • Tip : To learn more about PivotTables click the Help button .

    提示:要了解有关数据透视表的详细内容,请单击 帮助按钮。

  • Tip : Watering your plants with the water in which you boiled vegetables or water from your fish tank gives them nutrients that help them grow .

    用煮过蔬菜的水或是用洗过鱼的容器中的水来 浇花,这样能会给植物营养, 从而 帮助它们生长。

  • Tip : You can also use RSA to automatically look at any problems your application may have as you are coding to help you maintain quality .

    提示:当编写代码的时候,为 保证质量你可以使用RSA自动检查你应用程序中的错误。

  • Here 's a simple tip that will help you master this shot : Practice hitting low volleys with a tennis ball placed under your hitting arm .

    这里有一个 小窍门 帮助你掌握这种击球方法:夹一个网球在你击球胳膊的腋下来练习低位截击。

  • The three-dimensional flow field inside the tip region of a low speed large-scale axial-flow compressor rotor at near stall condition was measured with the help of a five-hole conical probe drived by a rotating four-coordinate probe traverse mechanism .

    在低速大尺寸压气机实验台上, 借助于旋转四坐标探针位移机构,用锥形五孔探针测量了压气机近失速状态下,转子叶片通道后段 区内的三维流场。

  • While a complete introduction to Blue isn 't possible in this tip looking at some of the more notable features will help you better understand the language .

    本文不可能完整地介绍 Blue,但查看一些较为值得注意的特性将 帮助您更好地理解此语言。

  • Tip of the day : to get help on the selected menu item or active dialog box press f1 .

    日积月累:按f1键可获取选定菜单或活动对话框的 帮助信息。

  • Tip : You can obtain detailed help on any Mercurial command by executing the hg help COMMAND command replacing COMMAND with the name of any valid Mercurial command .

    提示:执行hghelpCOMMAND命令,把COMMAND替换为任何有效的Mercurial命令,就可以获得任何Mercurial命令的详细 帮助

  • A great time-saving tip is to use social media channels to get help .

    一个极大节省时间的 技巧是使用社交媒体渠道来获得 帮助

  • I do hope these tip can help improve your learning of a foreign language .

    我的确希望这些 技巧帮助提高你们的外语学习。

  • The dislocation distribution function in the plastic zone at a crack tip is calculated with the help of a modified BCS-type crack model .

    本文改进BCS型裂纹位错模型,并 裂纹 顶端范性区的位错密度分布进行了计算。

  • Rigid organization structures will make this tip a challenge so getting executive support may help .

    固执的组织结构会让这 成为一个挑战,因此获得管理层的支持可能会 帮助

  • Tip or money give to someone who have help you .

    某个 的人的钱。

  • Tip some gentle cleansers infuse ingredients like oatmeal to help with dry skin .

    小贴士:一些温和的清洁产品中含有燕麦粉等成分,可以 帮助干燥皮肤。

  • The study on such periodical may only touch the tip of the iceberg but is help for restoring the styles and features of the literary scene at that time more or less .

    所以,它 改变的不只是版面设置,更是办刊方向。对这样一份期刊进行研究,所触及的虽说只是 冰山一角,但多少 还原当时的文坛风貌。

  • For example hovering over a tool bar button will produce a tool tip and pressing F1 will bring up the context sensitive help for the view .

    例如,将您的鼠标停留在一个工具栏按钮上,将会显示出关于该工具的 提示 信息,而且您点击F1按钮将会产生视图的背景相关性 帮助文件。

  • Typical tip : $ 1 dollar or more for help with luggage or finding a taxi on the street .

    典型的 小费 数目帮助提行李或叫出租车付1美元或更多。

  • Here 's another tip to help you prepare for the first day of school .

    有个 秘诀可以 你为开学日做好准备。

  • Tip : Naming DNT variable with a combination of uppercase and lowercase can help the translator to ignore them when translating .

    技巧:结合使用大小写命名DNT变量能够 帮助译者在翻译时忽略它们。

  • When tapping watch the pointer as it moves on the screen not the tip of the pen . This will help you more accurately tap what you 're aiming at on the screen .

    点击时,看着屏幕上移动的指针而不是 笔尖。这样会 帮助您在屏幕上更准确地点击您要点击地方。