threshold condition

[ˈθrɛʃˌold kənˈdɪʃən][ˈθreʃhəuld kənˈdiʃən]


  • We obtain the system is steady in good-cavity condition and the instability threshold is given in bad-cavity condition .

    得到了在好腔近似 ,系统总是稳定的;在坏腔条件下,给出了出现不稳定性的 阈值

  • In this paper the model which consists of homogeneous broadened three atomic level is proposed when both the pump classical field and laser field exist we discuss the gain frequency pulling and threshold condition of the weak pumping .

    本文给出一均匀增宽的三能级原子模型,在泵浦场和激光场同时存在时,讨论了双光子激光的增益、频率位移及弱泵浦时,稳态运转的 阈值 条件

  • Relation between the threshold condition and transverse mode of semiconductor lasers

    半导体激光器 阈值 条件与横模的关系

  • Precise laser damage threshold measurement is a necessary condition of studying highly resistant laser damage optical elements .

    激光损伤 阈值的准确测量是研究高抗激光损伤光学元件的必要 条件

  • Several sensitivity calculations were performed The calculations indicate that amplitude and the excitation threshold are sensitive to operating condition . The calculated period ranged from 2.6 to 2.9 seconds .

    计算表明,振荡的激发国和振幅对反应堆的 状态很敏感,振荡的频率范围为 2.6&2.9秒。

  • By the analysis of theory the research elaborates that the threshold condition for incipient motion of non-uniform sediment with a specific size is directly related to flow condition sediment size distribution location of bed material and income sediment from upstream .

    本项研究从理论上论述了非均匀沙某级粒径的 临界可动 条件不仅与水流条件有关,也与泥沙级配组成有关,还与床沙位置、上游来沙条件有密切的关系。

  • In this paper the dressed atom approach is used to discuss gain small signal gain saturation light intensity threshold condition and stable light intensity of CW degenerate quantum-beat laser .

    采用饰缀(dressed)原子方法,讨论了被共振微波场驱动的三能级原子系统简并量子拍频激光器的增益系数,小信号增益系数、饱和光强、 阈值 条件和稳态光强。

  • An expanding method for solving SRS wave equation with Gaussian-Hermite modes is presented . An analytical solution is derived neglecting the condition of pump depletion and used for discussion of threshold condition and wave front reproduction .

    运用高斯-厄米模展开受激喇曼散射波动方程,在忽略泵浦倒空情况下,求得了解析解,并用于 阈值 条件和波前再现讨论。

  • This paper deals with the threshold condition of double resonance parametric oscillation when the absorption coefficient of the signal light is different from that of the idling light .

    在信号光和闲置光吸收系数不同的情况下对双谐振参量振荡 阈值 条件进行了分析。

  • A method was developed to calculate threshold condition for the laser remelting and cladding .

    建立了激光熔凝和激光熔覆 阈值 条件计算方法和熔覆材料粉末流对激光束遮光率的模型。

  • On the base of solution I analyze the investment threshold which focuses on the condition of the optimal investment threshold and some characteristics .

    之后,在解的基础上,对投资 门槛进行了分析。主要研究了最优投资门槛存在的 条件,以及一些特性。

  • A general expression of threshold condition was obtained and discussed .

    导出了 阈值 条件的一般表达式,并进行了讨论。

  • First we determine the threshold damage condition of thin film by measure change of penetration of thin film after laser irradiate .

    首先利用量测薄膜经雷射照射后的穿透率变化,来界定薄膜 临界损伤 状态

  • Firstly the CON-DM algorithm draws the Med Gen algorithm : analyzing the relativity between each condition property and classification property in the first . Then remove the property which correlation degree less than the threshold of from the condition property set .

    CON-DM算法首先借鉴MedGen算法:先对各属性进行相关性分析,将与分类属性相关度小于事先规定的 阈值的属性剔除。

  • If I were the manager I think knowing this threshold condition would be extremely important to customer satisfaction .

    如果我是经理,我认为了解这个 极限 情况对顾客满意度而言是极其重要的。

  • The sequential minimal optimization algorithm optimizes the standard single threshold error tolerance optimization condition thus results in the time-consume to seek the second optimization sample .

    次序最小优化算法优化标准的单一 阈值容易错判优化 条件,从而导致花费大量时间寻找第二个优化样本。

  • In this paper the stability condition of optical resonator is introduced the power losses of stable resonator and the threshold condition of optical oscillation is discussed and the formulation of the relationship between the gain coefficient of work substance and the losses factor is derived .

    本文对光学谐振腔的稳定条件做了介绍,并讨论稳定谐振腔的功率损耗和光振荡的 阈值 条件,导出了工作物质的增益系数与损耗因子的关系式。

  • In this paper the threshold condition of a laser oscillation is used to analyze the electrooptical Q-switch characters of self-polarized laser crystals without any additional polarizers . The theoretical formula of the maximum pump energy and the maximum output energy are attained .

    本文用激光振荡的 阈值理论 分析了具有自偏振效应的激光晶体在腔内无附加起偏器时的电光调Q特性,获得了最大泵能和输出能量的理论公式。

  • First apply wavelet transform on a vehicle_license_plate image to denoise it then threshold the image on condition of keeping the intensity moment invariable .

    首先,对车牌图像进行小波去噪,然后利用亮度矩对去 后的车牌图像进行 阈值分割。

  • For quantum structure lasers including quantum well quantum wire and quantum box lasers a simple method is presented to obtain the optimized structure of the active region for low threshold condition .

    针对低 阈值半导体量子结构激光器(简称量子结构激光器),包括量子阱、量子线和量子点结构,给出了一个完整简便的方法用以优化设计 最低 阈值 条件所需要的有源区结构。

  • A General Theory of the Threshold Condition of Double Resonance Parametric Oscillation

    双谐振参量振荡 阈值 条件的一般理论

  • Their responses to electrical stimulation of receptive fields were characterized by monosynaptic linleage low threshold and fastness in condition velocity .

    对电刺激其感受野的反应具有单突触性、低 阈值和传导快等 特征

  • In this paper the coupling Maxwell-Bloch equations which is used to describe absorptive optical bistability is recounted the famous optical bista-bility state equation is obtained the threshold condition producing optical bi-stability is calculated .

    本文叙述了描述吸收型光学双稳性的麦克斯韦&布洛赫方程,从而得到了著名的光学双稳性的状态方程,计算了产生双稳性的 阀值 条件

  • Cavity losses and threshold condition

    光学谐振腔的损耗和 阈值 条件

  • Combined with these two methods the threshold condition expression has been derived for the first time .

    对于 激光器内的 场分布则应用严格的耦合波理论进行研究,通过将这两种方法有机结合,首次导出了两段式 DFB 激光器 阈值 条件表达式。

  • Study of the C → A transition excimer laser threshold condition

    C→A跃迁准分子激光 阈值 条件的研究

  • The Threshold Condition of Self-Pulsing Operation for Two-Photon Lasers

    双光子激光器自脉冲运转的 阈值 条件

  • The accumulation hydrocarbon threshold is the critical geologic condition on which sand lens accepted hydrocarbon from source rock corresponding to the porosity of 12 percent as well as the permeability of 0.001 μ m 2 in the Jiyang Depression .

    聚烃 门限系指砂岩透镜体接收外来油气的临界地质 条件,与之对应的砂岩孔隙度为12%,渗透率为1×10-3μm2。