Jon featured in one of the show 's most thrilling episodes .
乔恩主演剧中最 引人入胜的剧集之一。
How thrilling ! When do you leave ?
太 让 人 激动了!什么时候动身?
Few contests in the recent history of British boxing have been as thrilling .
英国近年的拳击比赛中很少有如此 激动 人心的。
Behold a series of thrilling photographs of Felix .
看费利克斯拍的一系列 惊心动魄的照片。
The audience held their breaths at the thrilling story .
观众 听着 惊险故事都屏住了呼吸。
It 's a thrilling intellectual business : as a reader I use the same tools as the author .
这是个令人 兴奋的智慧 之举:作为读者,我使用了和作者一样的方法。
I think I really had some thrilling experiences in the still of darkness .
我想我真的有 夜里 背脊 发冷的经历。
This is a thrilling statement because it suggests that in failing you are being productive .
这是一个 令人 激动的声明,因为这句话表明,在遭遇失败时,你的能力 边界正在不断向外 拓展。
It was a thrilling film of violence and murder .
这是一部有关暴力和谋杀的 刺激 人的电影。
This movie is no less thrilling than that one .
这部电影和那一部一样 刺激。
What a magnificent project ! how thrilling !
这样伟大的工程,可真来 劲儿!
Nothing is more thrilling to me than the process of scientific discovery .
对我来说,最 令我 兴奋的就是科学发现的过程。
That 's not to say the new Grand Cherokee is thrilling because it 's not .
这并不是说,新大切诺基是 激动 人心的,因为它不是。
One day we had a thrilling experience .
有一天,我们经历了一次 惊心动魄的事件。
It is the most thrilling and exciting game I have ever seen .
那是我看过的最 惊心动魄的比赛。
They depicted the thrilling situation to us in great detail .
他们给我们详细地描述了那 激动 人心的场面。
I live in a permanent state of excitement that some thrilling e-mail will have arrived next time I check .
我处于一种永久兴奋的状态中:一封 令人 激动的电邮会在我下次查信时出现。
Our wildlife trips offer a thrilling encounter with wildlife in its natural state .
野生动物园之旅使我们 得以接触自然状态下的野生动物, 让 人 感觉 很 刺激。
What is more thrilling to the ear then the sound of I Love You ?
更 重要 的 是 惊心动魄的耳朵的声音,然后,“我爱你”?
Watching a live game is much more thrilling .
看现场比赛 刺激多了。
This is it the ultimate showdown between good and evil comes to its thrilling conclusion !
一切到此为止了,正义和邪恶之间的终极之战进入到 激动 人心的结束 时刻了!
It was thrilling to hear his confidence high energy creative plans commitment and joy .
听到他 言语中的自信、正能量、创新计划、承诺和欣喜,我 非常 激动。
England won a thrilling encounter in Paris to reach their second successive World Cup final .
英格兰在巴黎赢得了 激动 人心的相遇到达他们的第二项连续世界优胜杯决赛。
The next month is going to be thrilling as you cross this major milestone in your education .
在下个月,你们就要跨越你们读书 生涯中的一个重大里程碑了,那将是 激动 人心的时候。
Her voice had a strange and thrilling resonance .
她的声音洪亮,有一种奇特的 震撼人心 的 效果。
As a very small child I used to picture myself as the hero of thrilling adventures .
作为一个小孩,我常常想像着自己是 令人 激动的冒险故事的主角。
I was really scared but it was the most thrilling thing I 've ever done in my life .
我害怕极了不过那可是我生命中做过的最 刺激的事了。
We found the hunt thrilling and the business lucrative ?
我们发现了捕猎的 兴奋和商业价值?
I think it 's exciting and thrilling .
我觉得它让人兴奋和 激动。
Though it 's a swordsman movie you can hardly see thrilling violence or brutal murder .
虽然是部武侠片,但是你很少看到 令人 毛骨悚然的暴力或是残忍的杀戮。
美[ ˈθrɪlɪŋ]英[ˈθrɪlɪŋ]