threshold of hearing

[ˈθrɛʃˌold ʌv ˈhɪrɪŋ][ˈθreʃhəuld ɔv ˈhiəriŋ]


  • Results w_1094 1 . The BAEP latency of professionally aircraft noise - exposed subjects is positively correlated with the hearing threshold of 1 KHz frequency and PTA HPTA and has a good correlations with the high frequency of hearing threshold .

    结果①职业接触人群的BAEP潜伏期 与电测听1、2、4、6、8KHz等频率及PTA、HPTA上的听觉 阈值呈正相关,且与高频 听觉阈值的相关性好。

  • Values of ABR wave V threshold in identification of posttraumatic hearing loss

    听性脑干反应波V反应 在外伤后 听觉损害中的应用

  • Results The average of hearing threshold ( hearing level ) of air conduction was ( 50.7 ± 12.1 ) dB before operation and the hearing loss was mostly on low frequency .

    语言频率气导 听力(听力级,下同)增进15dB以上或者达到应用听力水平为手术成功标准。结果本组患者术前气导听力平均(50.7±12.1)dB, 听力损失主要以低频为主。

  • The incidence and amplitude of DPOAE decreased and the detection threshold increased with the increase of hearing loss .

    听力损失越重,DPOAE检出率,幅值越低,检测 越高;

  • Objective : To determine the threshold of multiple auditory steady-state evoked responses ( ASSR ) of young adults with normal hearing and to offer essential diagnosticate datas .

    目的:测定正常青年人多频稳态听觉诱发反应( ASSR阈值,为临床诊断提供客观依据。

  • Result : the better target gain curve compared with insert gain curve the better patients ' attitude toward hearing aid evaluation the higher SRT ( Speech Recognize Threshold ) the better the effect of hearing aid .

    实验结果表明:目标增益曲线和介入增益曲线相吻合越好,患者对助听器的主观评价越好,言语识别 越高,助听器的 助听效果越好。

  • A determination of the normal threshold of hearing of young people 16 & 25 years of age ⅰ . equivalent curve by artificial ear calibration of earphones

    16&25岁青年人纯音 听觉 阈限的测定1.仿真耳等价曲线

  • Study on the threshold limit of cumulative noise exposure of hearing impairment

    听力损伤的累积噪声暴露 阈值研究

  • The pure tone bone-conduction threshold of 163 patients with the conditions of of chronic suppurative otitis media was summed for the researching the sensorineural hearing loss . 3 .

    总结符合条件的163例慢性化脓性中耳炎患者纯音 听阈结果,分析其与感音神经性 的关系。

  • Objective : To assess the accuracy of threshold using the multiple auditory steady state responses ( MASSR ) to bone conduction stimuli in a group of patients with conductive hearing loss .

    目的:了解多频听觉稳态诱发反应(MASSR)对骨导客观 听阈及对传导性 评估的准确性。

  • Survey and Analysis of the Pure tone Threshold of Hearing by Air Conduction for Sonar Trainees

    声纳学员 纯音气导 听力的调查分析

  • METHODS : The pure-tone audiometry was performed at the frequencies of 0.125-8 000 Hz in a sound insulation room . The auditory threshold grades of the subjects with normal hearing all accorded with the standards of GB-7583-87 expected value distribution .

    方法:①在隔音室内采用纯音测听检查,测试方法按0.125~8000Hz各倍频程的纯音测听, 听力正常者的 听阈级符合GB-7583-87期望值分布标准。

  • Analysis on the hearing threshold value of normal hearing people under different background noises

    人在不同本底噪声环境中的听 阈值分析

  • Results To hearing disturbance patients there were obvious differences in alternate binaural loudness balance between two groups and the threshold of hearing disturbance patients were often bigger than that of it should be .

    结果听力障碍者与正常人在听阈水平上双耳响度平衡差异非常显著,且 听力障碍者的主观 听阈 比实际听阈 偏大。

  • An Investigation about Hearing Threshold and Variation of Alternate Binaural Loudness Balance of People with Hearing impairment ; A Study of the Impact of the Frequency of Social Interaction on the Subjective Feeling of Happiness of the Retirees

    听力障碍者 听阈及主观响度变异调查交往频度对退休老人主观幸福感影响