


v.脱粒打(麦等)( thresh的现在分词 )反复地做推敲

  • The utility model can be used for threshing for soya beans red beans millet wheat paddy rice etc.

    本产品用于大豆、小豆和谷子、小麦、水稻等作物 脱粒

  • The motorized threshing machine has been important harvesting machinery in agricultural production in Heilongjiang Province .

    机动 脱粒机已成为黑龙江省农业生产中重要的收获机械。

  • So to expound the different kinds and structures of threshing machinery analyze the theory and application of threshing device thats core of thresher .

    为此,对 脱粒机械的种类、构造进行了论述,并就其核心部分脱离装置的原理和应用进行了剖析。

  • Wooden ploughs were the basic tools for agricultural production and yaks were employed for threshing .

    农业生产基本上是使用二牛抬杠的木犁耕地,牦牛踩场 脱粒

  • Experimental Study and Analysis on Head-feed Threshing and Separating Device

    半喂入式联合收割机 脱粒分离装置的试验研究与分析

  • Uncle Wang will take care of the work on the threshing floor .

    场院的活让王大爷 张罗

  • During the rhythmic beating they perform rice planting harvesting threshing and husking .

    人们此起彼伏、错落有致的敲打中,表演插秧、收割、 打谷、舂米等。

  • From the threshing floor ? From the winepress ?

    是从 禾场,是从酒榨呢?

  • Too bad ! We 'd just got the wheat to the threshing ground when it started to rain .

    真差劲, 麦子刚上场就下起雨来了。

  • This paper focuses on the use of finite element analysis software the threshing cylinder axis static finite element analysis process .

    为此,着重研究了利用有限元分析软件对 脱粒滚筒轴进行有限元静力分析的过程。

  • Here are oxen for the burnt offering and here are threshing sledges and ox yokes for the wood .

    看哪,这里有牛可以作燔祭,有 粮的器具和套牛的轭可以当柴烧。

  • The farmhands all rushed to the threshing ground to gather up the wheat .

    农场工人都跑到 上把 麦子敛在-起。

  • Once I went alone for a visit of some days at threshing time .

    有一次我在 脱粒 时节到那里逗留了几天。

  • Have the farmers started threshing yet ? a floor or ground space for threshing or treading out grain .

    农民开始 打谷了吗?人们用来打谷子和存放谷子的一块平地。

  • The roller of the threshing machine is a disk chuck open type roller .


  • We 've got to finish the threshing while the good weather lasts .

    得赶 好天 打完

  • In this paper the author aimed at the question of threshing rice design and calculation one of semi-feeding thresher lay a foundation for the further research .

    本文针对水稻 脱粒问题,对一种半喂入脱粒机进行设计与计算,为该机的进一步研究奠定基础。

  • Have the farmers started threshing yet ? Farmers feed grain to chickens .

    农民开始 打谷了吗?

  • Cut rice ears are put into the threshing roller by a taper screw conveyor for threshing .

    割断后的禾穗由一个锥度螺旋输送器输入 脱粒滚筒脱粒。

  • The speed characteristics of comb of threshing apparatus prior to cutting were analysed based on movement composition theory .

    运用运动合成原理分析了割前 脱粒 收割机梳齿运动的速度特征。

  • The wheat is on the threshing ground .

    小麦已经 登场

  • As the wind is getting up we 'd better gather in the cotton from the threshing ground .

    风越刮越大了,我们还是去把 晒场上的棉花收进来吧。

  • Experimental Study on Threshing and Separating Unit of Rape Combine Harvester

    油菜收割机 脱粒分离装置的试验研究

  • The great Husbandman is not always threshing .

    农夫不会一直 打谷的,神也不会一直用杖的。

  • Mills threshing machines and such like .

    研磨机、 打谷机以及类似机器。

  • The wheat has been taken to the threshing ground .


  • The thresher has the advantages of higher percentage of threshing and no damage of the corn cobs .

    本脱粒机不但 脱粒率较高,而且玉米芯又不会破损。

  • So David bought the threshing floor and the oxen and paid fifty shekels of silver for them .

    大卫就用五十舍客勒银子、买了那 禾场与牛。

  • In order to lower power consumption to reduce the cleaning load and to improve the efficiency of the combine harvester a new threshing cylinder with short-rasp-bar tooth has been developed and .

    为了降低功耗,减轻清选负荷,提高联合收割机的工作效率,试制了一种新型 脱粒 滚筒&短纹杆-板齿脱粒滚筒,并与钉齿 脱粒 滚筒进行了 脱粒对比 试验