tinea kerion

[医] 脓癣

  • However tinea capitis especially kerion can not be cured only by external ointments without antifungal medicine in children .

    但儿童 头癣,尤其是 ,不 口服抗真菌药物,只用外用药是无法治愈的。

  • Results In the 73 cases with tinea capitis 41 cases were tinea blanca ( 56.16 ); 23 cases black-dot ringworm ( 31.5 ); 9 cases kerion ( 12.33 );

    结果73例 头癣患者中白癣41例(56.16%)、黑癣23例(31.5%)、 9例(12.33%),未发现黄癣。

  • They cause not only a variety of superficial mycosis including onychomycosis tinea cruis and tinea pedis but also deep infections such as kerion abscess and granuloma .

    二者不仅能引起体股癣、手足癣、甲癣、头癣等 ,还能引起 、脓肿和肉芽肿等深部感染。

  • The patients with tinea corporis cruris or versicolor were treated for 1 wk . A Case of Adults Kerion with Tinea Corporis Caused by Trichophyton Mentagrophytes

    体、 股癣,花斑癣治疗1wk;须癣毛癣菌致成人 及体癣1例