threshold voltage


  • Design and Analysis of Electrostatic Microrelay with Low Threshold Voltage in MEMS

    基于MEMS技术的低 阈值 电压静电型微继电器的设计与研究

  • We deduced a expressions for threshold voltage temperature coefficient of short channel MOST .

    推导了了一个短沟道MOST 阈值 电压温度系数表达式;

  • Mechanical Topology Optimization for Low Threshold Voltage Capacitive RF MEMS Switches

    驱动 电压电容式RFMEMS开关结构设计优化

  • A simplified threshold voltage model of fully depleted SOI MOSFET is proposed .

    提出了一种简化的全耗尽SOIMOSFET 阈值 电压解析模型。

  • Enhanced degradation appears in both threshold voltage and transconductance under pulse stress .

    在脉冲应力下, 阈值 电压和跨导的退化增强。

  • Its function is to provide a latching switch action upon sensing an input threshold voltage with reset accomplished by an external clock signal .

    它的功能是当感应到输入 电压限时提供一个锁存开关,通过外部时钟信号完成复位。

  • The analytical solutions to1D Schrdinger equation ( in depth direction ) in double gate ( DG ) MOSFETs are derived to calculate electron density and threshold voltage .

    推导了双栅MOSFET器件在深度方向上薛定谔方程的解析解以求得电子密度和 电压

  • Using the averaged switch modeling approach a non-linear large-signal averaged model of non-ideal PWM switch is derived taking into account all parasitic resistances and threshold voltage of diode .

    运用平均开关建模法,建立非理想PWM开关的非线性大信号平均模型,包含全部寄生电阻和二极管的 正向 压降

  • The paper has analyzed temperature characteristics on high voltage power LDMOST s threshold voltage and given a calculation formula of its temperature coefficient from computing results .

    阈值电压的温度系数可以用温度的线性表达式来计算,从而可以得出功率LDMOS 阈值 电压的温度系数最优化分析。

  • In order to measure frequency accurately on hardware circuit design a Smite variable threshold voltage comparer is used .

    为了能够准确地进行频率的测量,因此在硬件电路方面设计了一个具有施密特特型的可变 门限 电压比较器。

  • The temperature compensated reference voltage stabilizes the lockout threshold voltage and hysteresis quality .

    通过对自产生的基准电压进行温度补偿确保了锁定 阈值 电压和迟滞量稳定。

  • Experimental results indicate that the threshold voltage becomes higher as the inflow velocity becomes higher and the flow separation becomes more serious .

    实验结果表明:分离越严重,来流速度越大,有效抑制翼型失速分离的 阈值 电压越大;

  • Deduced has been a relationship between the threshold voltage of MOSFET and the radiation dose rate .

    计算了MOSFET 电压与辐射剂量率之间的关系。

  • The threshold voltage 's shift versus the dose rate was analyzed on this device .

    分析了该电路的 阈值 电压随辐射剂量率的变化关系。

  • In addition the threshold voltage is capable of being finely tuned with a proper gate bias .

    除此之外,由于强烈的闸极耦合效应,在分离的上闸极加上适当的偏压,便可精确地调控临 电压

  • Input current at positive-going threshold voltage

    正向 电压下输入电流

  • Design of Voltage Reference Based on CMOS Threshold Voltage

    基于CMOS 阈值 电压的基准电路设计

  • JEDEC ? The input threshold voltage when the input voltage is falling .

    在输入电压下降时的输入 门限 电压

  • Threshold voltage model of strained Si channel nMOSFET

    应变Si沟道nMOSFET 阈值 电压模型

  • One new domino logic circuit whose architecture is based on full PMOS sleep transistors and a dual threshold voltage CMOS technology is introduced .

    介绍一种全部由PMOS休眠管实现的双 阈值 电压多米诺逻辑电路。

  • Then an implicit expression for electron density and a closed form of threshold voltage are presented fully comprising quantum mechanical ( QM ) effects .

    给出了电子密度的隐式表达式和 电压的显式表达式,它们都充分考虑了量子力学效应。

  • The threshold voltage of SiC Schottky barrier source / drain MOSFET

    SiC肖特基源漏MOSFET的 阈值 电压

  • The reflectivity multi-domain structure and threshold voltage of the liquid crystal devices were studied by the reflective properties of P and FC state and the microscopic structure .

    文章主要通过胆甾相液晶显示器件在P态和FC态的反射特征谱线和微观结构来研究表面性能对显示器件的反射率、多畴结构及 阈值 电压的影响。

  • Considering that in2-TFT pixel driving circuit and the threshold voltage of thin-film-transistor ( TFT ) influences the current in OLED 4-TFT pixel driving circuit based on polysilicon was designed .

    为了消除2-TFT像素驱动电路中TFT 阈值 电压变化对OLED像素电流的影响,设计了基于多晶硅的4-TFT像素驱动电路。

  • Analysis of Bar Domain and Lump Domain for STN Product of High Threshold Voltage


  • As technology evolves the threshold voltage will be re-duced accordingly which results in an exponential increase of standby power .

    随着工艺的发展, 器件 阈值 电压的降低,导致静态功耗呈指数形式增长。

  • The primary performance degradation of SOI device in the total dose irradiation is the back-channel leakage current caused by gate threshold voltage shift .

    SOI(绝缘体上硅)器件在总剂量辐照下的主要性能退化是由于SOI器件的背栅 阈值 电压漂移引起的背沟道漏电。

  • Temperature Characteristics Model of Threshold Voltage in Small Size VDMOS

    小尺寸VDMOS 阈值 电压温度特性模型