through carriage

[θru ˈkærɪdʒ][θru: ˈkæridʒ]


  • The first explosion tore through the second carriage of a train at Lubyanka metro station at7.50am .

    早上7点50分, 卢比扬卡(Lubyanka)地铁站列车第二 车厢发生首次爆炸。

  • Through the analysis of the effect on the linearity of carriage moving of the universal measuring toolmaker microscope the repair method has been proposed . And the main reasons effecting linear deviation and angle deviations are expounded respectively .

    通过对影响万能工具显微镜 滑板移动直线度的分析,提出有针对性的修理方法,并分别论述了产生线值偏差和角度偏差的主要原因。

  • Through the modal analysis the natural frequency and modal shape of the carriage part was obtained .

    通过模态分析,确定了该 部的各阶固有频率和振型。

  • But the bride did give her prince a kiss on the cheek as they were driven through the streets in the carriage promoting applause from the crowd .

    但当这对新人坐着 马车 经过街道时,新娘在王储的脸颊上吻了一下,赢得了围观人群的鼓掌欢呼。

  • Through the drive axle housing the tractive force 、 braking force and lateral force act on the wheel transfer to the suspension system 、 frame or carriage .

    作用在驱动车轮上的牵引力、制动力和侧向力,也是 经过桥壳传到悬挂及车架或者 车厢上。

  • Walk through the streets of gold-topped buildings curl up in a cafe or take a carriage ride through the city for the ultimate romantic experience .

    行走 两旁矗立着金顶建筑的街道,慵懒地蜷缩在咖啡厅,或者坐上四轮 马车在城市中感受极致浪漫。

  • One evening after he had followed them to their dwelling and had seen them disappear through the carriage gate he entered in their train and said boldly to the porter

    一天傍晚,他跟着他们到了家,看见他们从大门进去以后,接着他也跟了进去,对那看门的 大模大样地说

  • Mrs. Meade mounted her carriage block and craned her neck for a view of the baby but the doctor disregarding the mud plowed through to the side of the carriage .

    米德太太跑到马车道上伸长脖子看了看小毛头,可大夫不顾 泥泞一直走到 马车 旁边

  • And now among the knot of servants dressed in mourning and the weeping women Mr Dombey passes through the hall to the other carriage that is waiting to receive him .

    这时,董贝先生在周围一小群穿着丧服的仆人和哭哭啼啼的妇女们中间, 穿过前厅,走向另一 等待着他的 马车

  • Through his agent status and personnel relations the Ministry of the Interior made into an aristocratic can only use the carriage .

    借助总管地位以及人事关系,在内务部搞到了一辆只有贵族才能用的 马车

  • Through the analysis on the international treaties including the new Convention Draft on Carriage of Goods the author gives some suggestions on how to protect the consignor 's interests .

    本文针对这种情况, 通过回顾相关国际公约对发货人的界定,结合联合国贸易法委员会目前正在起草的《 运输法公约草案》,提出了如何保护发货人利益的一些合理建议。

  • This text carry through the design to the fuel cell vehicle body from this angle : Inherit originally possessed to the vehicle carriage make use of the current resources ;

    本文从这个角度对燃料电池车车身 进行设计:对原有车辆 车身的继承,利用现有的资源;

  • Through the multiple comparisons between the units of the appraisal system can find the weak link of the emergency system easily and then enhance the reliability reduce the potential risk of dangerous goods improve the security of the carriage of hazardous materials .

    通过其评价体系对体系内各子单元的两两比较,便于发现应急体系的薄弱环节,增强应急体系可靠性,减少危险品的潜在风险,提高危险品 运输安全。

  • Through comparing the structure and characteristic of the 22.5t and 35t hoist carriage the structure of 29.25t hoist carriage would be decided .

    通过对现有22.5t料车卷场机和鞍钢35t料车卷场机的结构特点进行比较,确定1高炉扩容后29.25t 料车卷扬机的结构。

  • One comprehensively smears person 's nature mainly through smears person 's survival condition smears person 's life carriage and smears sex to realize .

    一是全面丑化人的物性,主要 通过丑化人的生存状态、丑化人的生命 体态和丑化性来实现。

  • Is this a through carriage for Suzhou from here ?

    这是从这里去苏州的 直达 列车吗?

  • Little Wade had to be held up time and again so that ladies who ventured as far through the ooze as their carriage blocks could exclaim over him .

    小韦德不得不被一次又一次抱着举起来,让那些 穿过门前湿地一直跑到 马车道口的人惊叹地看个清楚。

  • Through investigation home and abroad and in connection with practice in pavement design in Shanghai an empirical method is proposed here using equivalent thickness and typical structure to perfect relevant specification as well as the quality requirements of the precast block pavement for sidewalks and carriage ways .

    本研究在 通过国内外调研分析基础上,结合上海道路路面设计实践,对预制块路面设计,提出采用等效厚度及典型结构经验法;对有关技术标准作了 充实完善;

  • When the cableway carried on its operation please don 't stand up or walk through the carriage and no try to open the gate or window .

    索道运行过程中,请勿在 轿 站立或 走动,更不要试图打开门窗。