throat pressure

[θrot ˈprɛʃɚ][θrəut ˈpreʃə]


  • The effects of three process parameters diameter of throat pressure drop and aeration level on the laying off rate of the distributor are discussed as well as the interaction relationship between the process parameters .

    本文讨论了流化分配器的三个工艺参数( 直径、 压力差及充气量)对其下料速度的影响,以及各工艺参数间的相互作用关系。

  • An empirical equation for hydraulic resistance was obtained after the effects of pitch number of throttles throat diameter temperature pressure flow rate and outside heat source on the hydraulic resistance of throttle set were examined .

    通过研究节数、 喉部直径以及温度、 压力、流量和外部热源等参数对节流件阻力特性的影响,获得了计算节流件阻力的经验关系式。

  • Classification parameters for low permeability reservoir has been found which is based on the impact of flooding efficiency and recovery percent regarding penetration movable fluid saturation the average throat radius and the starting pressure gradient .

    从渗透率、可动流体饱和度、平均 半径和启动 压力梯度对低渗透储层驱油效率、采收率的影响程度出发,建立了低渗透储层分类的参数体系。

  • It is well known that the jet flow loses its pressure at the throat when the high spees mixture of gas and water passes the throat of venturi duster because the pressure loss at the throat has direct ratio with the square speed of the jet flow .

    文丘里除尘器的 压力损失主要是高速气水混合射流通过 喉管而造成的,通过喉管的压力损失与射流速度的平方成正比。

  • The conclusion was drawn that after the velocity field of the condenser throat outlet become more reasonable the steam resistance can be reduced and the unit 's exhaust pressure lowered .

    指出采用均流装置使300MW机组凝汽器 喉部出口蒸汽流场趋于均匀以后,可以减小汽阻、降低排汽 压力

  • The predicted pore throat volume by the capillary pressure data is a key parameter and can be used to evaluate the shutoff of trap and the favorable area of hydrocarbon accumulation .

    汞数据估算的孔 大小能评价圈闭的封闭能力和解释地层烃类聚集的有利部位,是储层研究中的一个重要参数。

  • The flow is accelerated in the downstream of the throat . A Mach number is up to 1.26 near the outlet center cross-section when the pressure ratio is 5.0 . The pressure distribution is non-linear .

    比达到5.0时,出口截面中心区域的马赫数达到 1.26。沿程压力分布呈现非线性下降的趋势。

  • The effect of pressure on graphite throat liner erosion is obvious at high pressure ( 9 ~ 20MPa ) . The erosion - rate increases while pressure increases . The relation between pressure and erosion rate can be calculated by pressure curve .

    高压强范围(9~20MPa),压强对石墨 衬的烧蚀影响非常显著,烧蚀率随压强增大而增大,通过压强&时间曲线可以建立压强与烧蚀率之间的关系。

  • The experiment result shows that the area ratio of the nozzle to the throat and the pressure ratio of the work liquid to the gas are the main factors affecting the hydrodynamic performance of the ejector .

    研究表明:影响喷射器流体力学性能的主要因素是喷嘴与 喉管的面积比及工作流体与 吸入气体的 压力比。

  • And water is used in cold test . Through changing operating conditions throat area and back pressure the change rule of discharge coefficient and pressure recovery factor were found .

    通过大量冷态试验,在大范围变化工况、变化 喉部面积及 变化 背压条件下,利用水对低温流量控制系统进行研究,得到了流量系数、压力恢复系数的变化规律。

  • From these results for a given efficiency an optimal combination of the length and diameter of throat is gained under which the pressure drop is the lowest one .

    根据这些关系,得出了在给定效率下 压降最小时相应的 喉管直径和管长的最佳组合。

  • Results show that pintle could change the nozzle throat area and thus the motor pressure and thrust which provided the capability for thrust control .

    结果显示 栓能够有效改变发动机燃烧室 压力和推力,满足发动机推力控制要求。

  • The conveying parameters were relatively optimized by adjusting the throat area of adjustable Laval nozzle and pressure parameters so that the foodstuff particle breaking rate during pneumatic conveying was decreased at certain extent .

    通过调节可调式拉法管的 径以及各 压力参数实现了输送参数的相对最优,在一定程度上减轻了粮食颗粒在输送过程中的破碎率。

  • As the same vacuum degree of the condenser throat the higher pressure diffusion capability would result in the lower pressure at the outlet of the last stage . And there will be more enthalpy that can be used by the stream turbine .

    在凝汽器 喉部真空度一定的情况下, 低压排汽缸的扩 能力越强,汽轮机透平末级出口处的静压就越低,机组的可配置焓降就会越高。

  • So if we can inverse the distribution of pore throat or the capillary pressure curve by the pore and permeability data of the core ?

    是否可以根据岩样的孔隙度和渗透率的大小反演岩样的孔 体积分布,或者反演毛管 压力曲线?

  • The changes of the pressure in puffer chamber and nozzle throat under different base pressure are compared which shows that base pressure has an influence on the pressure in gas chamber .

    分析了 压力变化与开断时间的关系,比较了不同基 下压气缸与喷口 喉部气体压力特性的变化,说明了基压对断路器灭弧室内压力的影响。

  • The calculation and experiment results show that the maximum lifting pressure performance decreases with the increase in throat diameter of channel of variable section water flux of low pressure and pressure ratio of steam nozzle and has its minimum value with water nozzle annular space .

    计算及研究表明:极限升压能力随变截面 混合 喉部直径、 升压的 低压水流量和蒸汽喷嘴压比增加而降低,随环形水喷嘴间隙的变化出现了最小值;

  • Results indicate that copper impregnated graphite has good thermal shock resistance which solves the critical technique of throat liner material used in high performance tactical missile and space vehicles with high pressure high flow rate SRM .

    结果表明,石墨渗铜材料具有较好的抗热震性能,解决了高性能战术导弹和航天飞行器 高压强大流量固体火箭发动机(SRM) 衬材料的关键技术。

  • Permeability of rocks has direct relations with the size and distribution of pore throat which is determined through the capillary pressure curve .

    岩石的渗透率与孔隙 大小及其分布有着直接的关系,而孔隙 大小及分布可由毛管 压力曲线来确定。

  • The simulation results indicate that the sonic cross section gradually moves to downstream of the throat with the increase of pressure ratio .

    数值模拟结果发现几点不同于宏观流动的异常现象随着 比的提高,声速截面逐渐偏离 喉部,向下游区移动,并且下游区的流动不断加速。

  • Ablation Test of Throat Liner Material in High Pressure Gas Launch Device

    高压燃气发射装置 衬材料的烧蚀试验

  • Based on momentum conservation principle and conversation of energy the calculating formulas for outlet pressure of throat delivery pressure of gas lift jet pump and correlative size of diffusion channel are achieved .

    根据 喉管内流体动量守恒和扩散器内能量平衡原理导出 出口压力和加速泵排出 压力的计算公式,并计算直接影响加速泵排出口压力的扩散器尺寸。

  • The major pay bed is low permeable ultra dense sandstone . Its permeability and pore throat texture are very sensitive to the net pressure of overlying strata .

    主要产层为低渗透超致密砂岩,其渗透率和孔 结构对上覆地层净 压力很敏感。

  • In this paper according to one-dimension flowing theory of ideal gas calculation formulas of critical backing pressure and diffuser throat diameter of oil vapour pump are introduced and then some methods of improving critical backing pressure are discussed .

    本文根据流体力学理想气体一维流动的理论,导出了油蒸汽流泵的临界前级压力和扩压器 喉部直径的计算公式,并且讨论了提高临界前级 压力的措施。

  • The matching ratio of gel particle and pore throat size and critical pressure gradient of particle motion have been studied by core test experiments and special structurally visual micro-model experiments .

    采用填砂岩心实验和具有特殊 结构的微观蚀刻模型定量地研究了颗粒大小与 孔喉尺寸的匹配关系以及颗粒发生运移的临界条件。

  • The nozzle throat diameter was 35 mm and the inlet stagnation temperature and pressure were 800 K and 274 4 kPa respectively .

    主喷管 直径为35mm,进口总温和总 分别为800K及274.4kPa。

  • The scheme to control launch power is introduced for changeable depth launch of missile . It is to change the aeration area at the nozzle throat of high pressure chamber in launcher .

    该文针对导弹变深度发射提出通过改变发射装置 高压室喷管 喉部的通气面积来实现发射动力可调。

  • This plug of extruded elastomer can be lodged in the throat so tightly that even 2000 psig of pressure will not dislodge it .

    突出的人造橡胶会紧紧的堵在 喉管 ,即使2000psig的 压力也不能把它移走。