through line

[θru laɪn][θru: lain]


  • Through practical operation it shows that the device has a reliable performance in diagnosis and treatment of the fault occurred on power supply through line and is adaptive to the site actual demand .

    经实际运行表明,该装置对 贯通 线的故障诊断、处理准确,性能稳定,适合现场需求。

  • On basis of refractive and reflective principle of flowing wave and through online monitoring the faulty voltage refractive and reflective factors produced by current wave the new type of automatic fault treating system for power supply through line has been developed .

    根据流动波理论的折射和反射原理,在线检测故障电压、电流波产生的折射和反射系数,研制开发出新型的 贯通 线故障自动处理系统装置。

  • In a cafeteria you walk through a line selecting your meal as you go along .

    在自助餐馆,你 排队向前 ,边走边选取吃的东西。

  • Let 's go through it line by line and see that it really only uses a couple of the methods available to the XML_RSS () class the constructor and parse () .

    让我们 逐行 查看它来看看它是否仅使用了XMLRSS()类、构造器和parse()提供的几个方法。

  • She developed a set of simple qualitative and quantitative equations that were then used with management through to line staff .

    她开发了一整套简洁明了的数量和质量方程式,这些方程的运用范围上 高层, 下达 底线员工的管理。

  • If the application is visible you can step through each line of code as it runs .

    如果应用程序的可见的,在代码执行中就可以 单步调试每一 代码。

  • Customers who queued up to buy merchandise sometimes found that the price had doubled by the the time were halfway through the line .

    人们都排长队购买商品,有时他们发现,队 一半时价格就涨了一倍。

  • Push through line to fuel-level sensor in downwards direction and fasten together with rubber sleeve .

    推动 线路向下 穿过燃油油位传感器,用橡胶套紧固在一起。

  • This paper determines standard uncertainty for measurement of windage and friction loss of three-phase induction motor through fitting line of least square method .

    本文 最小二乘法拟合的 直线确定三相异步电动机风摩耗测量的标准不确定度。

  • The Map class implements the map function which goes through each line of the log file and gets the application 's name .

    Map类实现映射功能,它搜索日志文件的每一 ,寻找应用程序的名称。

  • Power supply through line is an integral part of the equipment for railway operation and the failure of it will affect directly the safety railway operation .

    电力 贯通 线是铁路行车设备,发生故障将直接影响到铁路运营安全。

  • Remember that deploying an application to a server 's second repository is only supported through command line .

    请记住,仅支持 通过命令 行将一个应用程序部署到服务器的第二存储库。

  • This morning I prayed that I could help someone today and you walked through my line .

    早晨的时候我祈祷能在今天帮助某个人,然后你就 走进了我的 视线

  • As long as the HTTP server responds with success ( indicated by a 200 response code ) I iterate through each line of the response searching for the server key and if found I print the value .

    只要HTTP服务器成功响应(由响应代码“200”指示),就会循环迭代响应消息的每 内容, 寻找server关键字,如果找到,就打印这个值。

  • Study on the Plans for Compensation and Earthing of Power Cable through Line of Shijiazhuang-Taiyuan PDL

    石太客运专线电缆 贯通 线路补偿和接地方案研究

  • I followed the still-babbling Jessica through the line crushed .

    我跟着嘴巴一直没停过的杰西卡 穿过人群,只觉整个身心都被 碾碎了一样。

  • This text has explained the basic method of the transformation for three-dimensional seismic visual data form the access scheme of the magnanimity data and raising conversion speed of the data through line interlacing scanning .

    阐述了三维地震资料可视化系统数据格式转换的基本方法,以及海量数据的存取方案, 通过扫描的办法,提高了数据体转换速度。

  • She elbowed through the line of spectators .

    她挤着 穿过围观者的 行列

  • Take me5 minutes to get through the line .

    大概要花5到10分钟 穿过 队列

  • A kind of integrated protection and control device XBJ 101T used for auto block / run through line in railway substation is introduced in this paper . The working theory application functions and the structure of the device are justified .

    介绍了一种适用于铁路自闭/ 贯通 线路的XBJ101T型微机保护监控一体化装置,论述了装置的工作原理、功能配置及其构成等。

  • And the ills of the federal budget can be cured simply by having an eagle-eyed leader go through it line by line .

    而且联邦预算的疾病能够通过一个有眼光的领导人逐步地 检查 很简单治愈。

  • Only pressure-less return of the operating medium through return line T2 to the tank ensures proper work of the I / H converter .

    只有当工作介质 返回 管线T2减压后返回至箱内方可确保I/H转换器正常工作。

  • This requires the candidates not just to hack through line after line of computer code but also to drink shot after shot of whiskey at various points along the way .

    譬如其中一幕说的就是扎克伯格决定在招募新的编程师时设立一个比赛,要求应聘者不仅会 破解列的电脑编码,还得在赛程中各个指定的时刻让一杯杯威士忌下肚。

  • The grep utility works by searching through each line of a file ( or files ) for the first occurrence of a given string .

    grep工具的工作 方式是对文件的每一 搜索给定字符串的首次出现。

  • Virtually the only way that a staff guy can be effective is if he 's come up through the line .

    实际上,要使一个办事人员能起到有效的作用,最好的办法是 第一 线人员中选拨上来。

  • During Construction key problems including automatic cutting of through line construction quality management as well as erection of large-span truss were solved .

    施工中解决了相 线的自动切割和施工质量管理及大跨度桁架的安装等关键问题。

  • Movement Scheme and Control Design of Non-standard State Pipe Cross Through Line Automatic Electric Arc Welding

    非准态管子交 线自动电弧焊的运动规划及控制设计