


  • Objective To discuss the action and the superiority of thrombocyte and cryo-precipiation in rescue major blood loss .

    目的探讨 血小板及冷沉淀在抢救大失血的作用与优越性。

  • Patients with severe epidemic hemorrhagic fever were given fresh thrombocyte infusion another 22 cases being controls .

    输注新鲜 血小板 治疗重型和危重型流行性出血热 32例,并与22例作比较。

  • The main toxicity were leukocyte and thrombocyte decrease in grade I - II .

    主要毒副反应为白细胞降低( 78.6%,均为Ⅰ-Ⅱ度)及Ⅰ-Ⅱ度 血小板降低 85.7% -Ⅳ度 血小板降低的发生率很低( 7.1%)。

  • Results The improvement of angina pectoris and ECG had not significant difference in the two groups but the blood rheology blood-lipid the activation function of thrombocyte and the clinical symptoms of ischemic stroke obviously were improved in the therapeutic group than that control .

    结果治疗组与对照组其心绞痛的临床有效率与ECG改善无显著差异(P>0.05),但血液流变学、血脂以及 血小板活化功能、缺血性中风的临床症状改善等方面明显优于对照组。

  • Among these leucocytes monocyte was the least encountered leucocytes while thrombocyte the most abundant .

    白细胞中, 血栓细胞 数目最多,单核细胞 数目最少。

  • There are less dense granules in thrombocyte cytoplasm .


  • Objective To study clinical significance of the change of thrombocyte counts in abdominal surgical critically ill patients .

    目的探讨腹部外科危重病患者 血小板计数变化的意义。

  • Conclusions The activity of thrombocyte increased remarkably and continuously after ACOP ;

    结论ACOP可导致 血小板活性增加并持续。

  • The leukocyte and thrombocyte had lightly reduced after treatment in part patients ( 44.6 % ) .

    部分患者(44.6%)的白细胞、 血小板于治疗后轻度降低。

  • Clinical observation on 6 parameters of thrombocyte and leucocyte of hypertension patients complicated with ischemic cerebral stroke

    伴缺血性脑卒中的原发性高血压患者 血小板和白细胞6项参数变化的临床观察

  • Changes of WBC types mainly reflected on the variation in proportion of lymphocyte and thrombocyte : the proportion of lymphocyte was decreased along with the extension of the experiment and the increase of concentration of Cd2 + while the change proportion of thrombocyte was on the opposite side .

    白细胞类型的变化主要表现在淋巴细胞比例和 血栓 细胞比例上:淋巴细胞比例随实验时间的延长而降低,随镉离子浓度的升高而降低,血栓细胞比例则与之相反。

  • Results : Polysaccharide sulfate might reduce TC TG LDL blood viscosity fibrinogen and thrombocyte aggregation rate before and after treatment ( P < 0.01 or P < 0.05 ) .

    结果:藻酸双脂钠可降低全血粘度、血浆粘度、 血小板聚集率、纤维蛋白原及血清TC、TG、LDL,与治疗前比较有显著性改变(P<0.01或P<0.05);

  • Results Erythrocyte aggregation rate leukocyte activation rate thrombocyte activation rate and the extent of those changes were higher in the TIA group than in the control group . This difference was statistically significant ( P < 0.001 ) .

    结果TIA组外周血红细胞聚集率、白细胞活化率、 血小板活化率及其变化程度,显著高于对照组(P<0.001)。

  • The results of electron microscopy showed : There were six types of cells that could be districted under the Electron microscope including erythrocyte granulocyte monocyte lymphocyte thrombocyte and plasma cell .

    电镜下可区分区6种类型的细胞:红细胞、粒细胞、单核细胞、淋巴细胞、 血栓 细胞和浆细胞。

  • Results : After treatment whole blood viscosity blood plasma viscosity erythrocyte aggregation index thrombocyte aggregation rate fibrinogen and ESR of after treatment on hematocrit ROU patients decreased ( P < 0.05 and p < 0.01 ) .

    结果:治疗后,患者的全血粘度 高切 、血浆粘度、 血小板聚集率、红细胞聚集指数、纤维蛋白原、血沉,均有明显和非常明显下降(P<0.05或P<0.01)。

  • BEPTN can shorten styptic time of rabbits and fowls promote rabbit 's thrombocyte aggregation in vitro .

    体外能缩短兔耳动脉及来克亨鸡冠出血时间,促家兔 血小板聚集。

  • Conclusions : Tetramethylpyrazine injection combined use of Bushen Jianpi herbs can improve renal blood flow increase excretion of renal tubules enhance fibrinolysis decrease thrombocyte aggregation protect the residual nephron function improve immune activity and relieve clinical symptom of patients .

    结论:川芎嗪注射液配合补肾健脾方药可改善慢性肾衰患者肾血流,增加肾小管排泄和纤维蛋白溶解,减少 血小板的凝聚,保护残存肾单位功能,提高机体免疫力,缓解临床症状;

  • Methods : 91 patients with hepatocirrhosis were classified with Child-Pugh grades and the grades were compared with 4 parameters of thrombocyte .

    方法:对91例肝硬化患者进行Child-Pugh分级,并与 血小板 各项参数进行比较。

  • Results shows that : the red cell counts mean corpuscular hem globins thrombocyte erythrocyte sedimentation and hematocrit of Cygnus columbianus is the biggest of all the pucrssia macrolopha and Alectoris chuksr are less than Cygnus co-lumbianus ;

    结果表明:天鹅的红细胞总数、血红蛋白含量、 血小板总数、红细胞比容、红细胞体积最大,勺鸡次之,石鸡最小;

  • Restrain thrombocyte to release 5-HT and prevent Ca channel ' of thrombocyte experimen are chosen to carry out the pharmacodynamics research . Also analysis the PK-PD model .

    选择抑制 血小板释放5-HT实验和阻滞血小板钙通道实验进行了药效动力学研究,并进行了药动学药效学(PK-PD)相关性分析。

  • Preliminary Analysis of Urinary Proteomics in Children with Steroid-resistant and Steroid-sensitive Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome ; Clinical significance of fibrinogen thrombocyte parameter and immunoglobulin in nephrotic syndrome

    儿童激素耐药型与激素敏感型肾病综合征尿蛋白组学的初步研究儿童肾病综合征纤维蛋白原含量、 血小板参数、免疫球蛋白变化分析

  • There were many effects of NO on kidney such as dilatating artery inhibiting adherence and aggregation of thrombocyte increasing blood-supply of renal tissue inhibiting cellular proliferation and accumulation of mesangial protein and increasing the vascular permeability .

    NO对肾脏具有多种作用,如扩张动脉、抑制 血小板粘附和聚集、增加肾组织的血供、抗细胞增生、抑制细胞外基质蛋白积聚以及增加血管通透性。

  • Results : Rhizoma Curcumae can raise the pain threshold of mice and enhance the pain alleviating action and lower thrombocyte adherence rate so that the blood viscousness thick and agglomerate of blood stasis model animals obviously decrease .

    结果:实验表明,莪术生用能提高小鼠痛阈,增强止痛作用,并能降低 血小板粘附性,使血瘀模型动物血液粘、浓、凝性明显减轻。

  • Because of the collision among erythrocyte leucocyte thrombocyte and other particles blood often flows in the form of inner cell mass .

    由于血液在 微循环流动过程中红细胞、白细胞和 血小板等其它微粒常常相互碰撞粘连在 一起,以细胞团的形式流动。

  • Objective To observe a serious of parameter change of thrombocyte and leucocyte of hypertension patients complicated with ischemic cerebral stroke and to assess its value in the happen - ing of thromboembolic disease .

    目的观察伴缺血性脑卒中的原发性高血压患者 血小板和白细胞参数的改变,探讨其在血栓栓塞性疾病发生中的价值。

  • Conclusion : The ratio of krge thrombocyte and immature reticulocyte count increases in patients with chronic ITP .

    结论:慢性ITP患者大 血小板比率增加,且幼稚网织红细胞增多。

  • Thrombocyte count and thrombocyte recovery time were observed .

    对照 11 治疗,观察 血小板计数和血小板恢复时间。

  • A Preliminary Study on ZebraFish Thrombocyte Aggregation Induced by Adenosine Diphosphate

    腺苷二磷酸诱导斑马鱼 血小板聚集的初步研究

  • Thrombocyte is round or irregular in shape .

    凝血 细胞呈球形或不规则形。

  • Conclusion : The leukocyte filter can remove leukocyte and thrombocyte with high efficiency and selectivity . It also can significantly reduce the incidence of clinical non-hemolytic transfusion reactions .

    结论:白细胞过滤器能高效地、有选择性地滤除白细胞和 血小板,能显著降低临床非溶血性输血反应的发生率。