torch cutting

[tɔrtʃ ˈkʌtɪŋ][tɔ:tʃ ˈkʌtɪŋ]


  • Torch Pose Control in Intersecting Curve with Groove Cutting at the End of Pipe

    管端相贯线坡口 切割 割炬位姿控制

  • Torch cutting system for 4 - strand round billet CC

    四流圆坯连铸机 火焰 切割 系统

  • Note : The arc cannot be started in the state without ventilation or else it will easily damage the cutting torch ( commonly known as cutting gun ) and the machine .

    注意:不得在未通气状态下引弧,否则将容易损坏 割炬(俗称 枪)和机器。

  • It samples the plasma arc voltage with interrupt mode and real-timely controls the height of plasma torch based on offline program which makes the distance between plasma torch and workpiece keep within a certain limit and then ensures the quality of lining and cutting .

    该系统通过中断方式采样电弧电压,并结合机器人离线编程技术实时控制等离子割炬高度,确保在等离子 划线 切割 过程 割炬与工件间的距离始终保持在一定范围之内,保证了划线和 切割质量。

  • This control system of flmae / plasma cutting machine we developmented not only hold the flame cutting 's function of auto pierce and auto torch height control . but also get the plasma cutting 's function of auto initial height set and arc voltage height control .

    本火焰/等离子数控切割机控制系统,不仅具有火焰切割的自动穿孔和电容自动调高功能,而且还具有等离子 切割的初始定位和弧压调高功能,并可实现割缝补偿,任意曲线 切割

  • Lifting mechanisn of cutting torch for portal flame cutting machine

    门式火焰 切割机开条 割炬升降结构

  • The flame cutting is used iron oxide produced during combustion temperature to cut carbon steel . It is designed by the torch for burning iron oxide providing full oxygen which ensures to get good cutting results .

    火焰切割利用氧化铁在燃烧过程中所产生的高温来对切割碳钢的,燃烧氧化铁所使用的氧气是通过对 割炬的设计来实现的,这样可以保证 切割效果良好。

  • Torch Path Optimization for NC Laser Cutting of Sheet Metal Part

    钣金件数控激光 切割 路径的优化

  • Reformation of Automation System for Slab Caster First Torch ' Cutting Machine

    板坯连铸机一次 火焰 切割机自动控制系统的技术改造

  • Study and Simulation of torch track for the flame NC pipe cutting machine

    火焰数控 管机 割炬轨迹研究及仿真

  • He had an acetylene torch for cutting thick steel plates and beams .

    不过,那台 切割 不是他厂子里惟一的危险物,他还有一台乙炔 ,用来 切割厚钢板和粗钢条。

  • A powerful flame NC pipe cutting machine tool was developed based on the analysis of the principle and the torch movement for the flame NC pipe cutting machine tool .

    在对数控火焰切管机床的 加工原理和 割炬 路径的运动学分析基础上,研制了一种功能强大的火焰切管 数控机床。

  • Field Tests of Torch Cutting Technique

    火焰 切割技术在 三峡工程应用试验

  • Torch height controller is used to adjust the distance between steel plate and cutting nozzle in order to assure cutting quality and prolong the using of the cutting nozzle .

    无论 火焰还是 等离子切割,都必须保证 嘴离钢板的高度处于最佳的状态,从而得到最佳的切割效果和最长的割嘴使用寿命。

  • Capacitance Automatic Height-Adjusting System for Single Cutting Torch of the Cutting Machine

    切割机单 割炬电容自动调高控制系统

  • Study of roller damage by torch on torch cutting machine

    火焰 切割辊问题的研究与解决

  • This equipment was operated by the way of the work piece rotating and the cutting torch regulating the cutting torch adopts the laser cutting the result has proved that it can improve the machining accuracy improve production efficiency and realize automatic production .

    该装置采用工件旋转、 割炬固定的激光切割工作方式,结果表明可以提高加工精度,提高生产效率,实现自动化生产。

  • The CNC Torch Cutting Automatic Programming Software Exploitation Based on AutoCAD 2000

    基于AutoCAD2000的数控 火焰 切割自动编程软件的开发