


  • Recovery process of oil refining gas and automatic control system of torchlight

    炼厂瓦斯气的回收 利用及自动控制

  • And also like a heroic torchlight .

    又像英勇的 火炬

  • The torchlight swung across the little beach and out over the water searching

    手电筒 在小海滩上扫过, 而后 向水面搜索

  • Miners begin their journey home clouds of steam and gas behind them lit by moonlight torchlight and burning liquid sulfur .

    矿工们开始回家的路程,蒸汽和气体云的月光照亮了他们身后, 火炬,烧液体硫磺。

  • Put up the tent by torchlight

    手电筒 照着搭帐篷

  • Using a torchlight police found below the54-year-old man lying injured on the ground some five metres under the window .

    使用 火炬,警方低于54岁的男子受伤倒卧在地上,窗下约5米。

  • The course required three years of full-time study and Wang recalls working into the night by torchlight after the dormitory shut off the electricity at 10 o ' clock .

    全部课程需要全日制学习3年。王淳奇回忆起,在宿舍晚上10点 停电后, 打着 手电筒 学到 深夜

  • The torchlight tipped a hole in the darkness .

    电筒 划破黑暗 形成一个 洞。

  • The marchers held a torchlight procession .

    游行者 成了 火炬 长龙

  • While exploring one of the long-abandoned temples I was drawn by the flickering of faint torchlight through a distant doorway and then as I crept nearer by the sound of a voice .

    当时,我被远处门隙间一丝闪烁的 火把光芒所吸引,当我猥琐的靠近时,我听到一个声音。

  • Surgeons are performing operations in tents by torchlight

    医生正在帐篷里借 着火 做手术

  • Reaching out a hand the wizard caught hold of Hugh 's chin and jerked the man 's face to the torchlight .

    巫师伸出手抓住修的下巴,把他的脸拉向 火炬 光亮

  • And this is visible by the naked eye with the help at a torchlight or a focused halogen lamp .

    仅仅 借助 手电筒或是聚光灯用肉眼 就能 检查 出来

  • He read the note in the dim torchlight .

    微弱的 电筒 看了条。

  • They were in the habit of turning out by torchlight two or three nights in the week FOR unlawful purposes .

    他们每星期 总得有两三个晚上, 着火把出去 为非作歹

  • The torchlight lit up Stella 's desk and shone under the beds .

    手电 照在 斯特拉的桌子上,床底下。