



  • She sent us a bill tot the damage we caused .

    她给我们 送来由我们造成的损失的费用单。

  • He poured them each a generous tot .

    他慷慨地给他们每个人倒了一 小杯

  • Depreciation of Fixed Assets in Sewage Treatment BOT / TOT Project

    污水处理 BOT/TOT项目的固定资产折旧问题

  • If he can 't reach an agreement with us on the details of the contract we have the right tot withhold his performance guarantee .

    如果他在合同细节上不能和我们达成一致,我们有权 扣留他的履行保证金。

  • When people trot they run quite quickly with short steps It was only your speed that saved you .

    若以 tot 人,则 为小步快跑 靠你的 快步 小跑救了你。

  • If you 're not going to commit tot .

    那你是得不到 真爱的。

  • All right so now I know what 's going wrong is somehow not that I 'm messing up tot but that I 'm computing the mean incorrectly .

    好的,所以现在我知道问题出在什么地方了,不是我把 总数,而是我把平均值计算错了。

  • Lowcost higher frequency and scalability are the main impetuses tot he development of phased array antennas integration technology .

    低成本、更高频段与可扩展是 推动相控阵天线集成技术发展的主要动力。

  • I 'll just tot up what you owe me .


  • I finally sat down to tot up the full extent of my debt

    我终于坐下来把我的全部债务 合计了一下。

  • If I were you I wouldn 't have the heart tot leave the kids at home uncared for .

    如果我是你,我可不 忍心把孩子们就在家里没人照看。

  • With gin at 9p a tot getting plastered is cheap and easy .

    一小杯杜松子酒只要9便士, 灌醉自己即便宜又容易。

  • Joe wasted a tot of time before he got down to work .

    乔在静开始工作之前 要浪费许多时间。

  • Oh that 's their telly replied the tot .

    “哦,那是他们的电视机,” 小孩回答道。

  • What 's the tot of our bill ?

    我们的帐单 合计是多少?

  • Now tot up the points you 've scored .

    现在 所得的分数相加。

  • The paper explains the countermeasures such as raising auditing awareness adjusting auditing system and adapting tot .

    从提高审计意识、调整审计体制、适应 审计发展趋势 个方面探讨了解决上述问题的对策。

  • The number of things I 'm adding to tot .

    也就是我 计算 总数的个数。

  • I 'd prefer a tot of Russian poison .

    我更喜欢 来一 俄国毒药。

  • John Wallis and Nobel laureate economist Douglass North once tried to tot up transaction costs by looking at the size of sectors such as accountancy law retail management policing and so on .

    约翰沃利斯(johnwallis)和诺贝尔经济学奖得主道格拉斯诺斯(douglassnorth)曾经试图通过考察会计、法律、零售、管理和警察等行业的规模,来 衡量 交易成本。

  • We must always remember tot waste our limited water resources .

    我们必须永远 记住 不要浪费我们有限的水资源。

  • But grand plans for hukou reform have fallen by the wayside before as officials tot up the price .

    但是户口改革的宏伟计划在官员 加价之前就半途而废了。

  • The waiter quickly tot up our bill for the dinner .

    侍者很快地 合计出我们晚餐的帐单。

  • The TOT Mode was applied and analyzed in the urban Sewage Treatment


  • Worried doctors decided their best option would be to deliver the tot by Caesarean section .

    这让医生们很担心,最后他们拿出了最佳方案&给 蒂娅实施剖腹产。

  • There was a tot more of it and it got more and more boastful as it went on .

    还有很多诸类的词,反正 吹牛吹得越来越大。

  • This paper presented a filling tank process experiment based on D3SD and TOT function blocks .

    基于D3SD和 TOT功能块,在实验室环境下用罗克韦尔软件设计并实现填充水箱过程。

  • Analysis of plight of water-saving in wastewater treatment of manufacturing enterprise in industrial area under BOT & TOT pattern

    工业园区废水处理 BOT&TOT模式下生产企业节水困境分析